

Hello. I'm going to start on a hidroponic sistem, first time. I would like to start with organics nutrients. When i bought the wilma Atami hey offered me Hydro Nutrition A + B, Calmag and Silic Boost. Are this organics? I would like to use Cannabiogen, is it ok for hydroponics? Thanks.
Cant speak on the nutes. Vast majority here run a sterile res including myself. From what I gathered for bennies, the cons out way any pros by a far margin. Almost asking for trouble going with Bennie's. Not saying cant be done, but hear its a major headache.
Thanks . So the Atami are ok ?, theyre minerals.
the newer hydroponic nutrients are aparantly ok for hydroponics, GH do a line of organic nutes, i would trust them over others, there the market leader for a good reason, they work and work well. i cant respond to atami, they may well be ok, but i would trust GENERAL HYDROPONICS though, but if you wanted to fdo true hydroponics in hydro, im talking about comfrey liquid and borageliquid and seaweed solution your going to be disapointed, they dont work so well without changing them out each week
the newer hydroponic nutrients are aparantly ok for hydroponics, GH do a line of organic nutes, i would trust them over others, there the market leader for a good reason, they work and work well. i cant respond to atami, they may well be ok, but i would trust GENERAL HYDROPONICS though, but if you wanted to fdo true hydroponics in hydro, im talking about comfrey liquid and borageliquid and seaweed solution your going to be disapointed, they dont work so well without changing them out each week
Thanks for your opinion. I have about 3 months to start hydro, on this moment i´m finishing with 4 automatic and i have also 2 ak49 starting flowering in soil, after i will start on this adventure . Thank you.
that's all you need : base, calmag (maybe?) and i do like silica too.

and no, don't start off hydro with organics. after you get comfortable, then yes, you can use organics. i love kelp in dwc
that's all you need : base, calmag (maybe?) and i do like silica too.

and no, don't start off hydro with organics. after you get comfortable, then yes, you can use organics. i love kelp in dwc
thanks, i will take yours opinion in cout. How many liters of water do i have to put in the tank, 50l ?
thanks, i will take yours opinion in cout. How many liters of water do i have to put in the tank, 50l ?

Depends on the size of your tank. I always did my DWC in Rubbermaid tubs. The taller ones hold 50L when filled to just under the bottoms of 5" net pots. The shorter tubs hold 35L so I would veg smaller plants in the short tub then switch to the taller tubs for flowering. Lids are the same size so easy to switch.


20 days later


Advanced Nutrients makes a line of organically derived hydroponic nutes suitable for DWC or any other hydro system. Iguana Juice for the base, organic Big Bud for getting those monster flowers and a few other things. I'm using the pH Perfect 3-part with regular Big Bud now but have used AN for over 20 years.

The GH organic nutes mentioned above will NOT work in hydro like DWC. GH has never supported pot growers so they never get my support. Even worse now that they are part of the Monsanto, Scotts, Roots, Hawthorne, Bayer family of fine GMO products made with Chinese chemicals.

Mine is a Wilma Atami 4 x 11l , the tank they say is 50l. I think it maybe needs 30 or 35l of water with nutrients. My room is only 0,80x0,80, 1,80 , with leds one with 55w and another 120w , Beautiful your job , well done :weed: . Thanks for sharing
I still not decided about nuts made yet , but in this moment i'm thinking on Cannabiogen or Adanced Hydroponics of Holland. Anybody have used them ?