

Well-Known Member
Already planning for next years grow has me rethinking how to supply nutrition properly and efficiently, the kiss method.
I grew up on a large farming operation with livestock, corn, beans, hay and toboacco and tomatoes. All of them had different requirements for nutrition.
Anybody that has experance with growing cannabis in a cornfield will tell you that the plant grows very well there.
Why not use the same fertilizer to mimick corn production? Getting a soil test should be first.
Already planning for next years grow has me rethinking how to supply nutrition properly and efficiently, the kiss method.
I grew up on a large farming operation with livestock, corn, beans, hay and toboacco and tomatoes. All of them had different requirements for nutrition.
Anybody that has experance with growing cannabis in a cornfield will tell you that the plant grows very well there.
Why not use the same fertilizer to mimick corn production? Getting a soil test should be first.
honestly i dont see any problem with using fertilizer that people use for corn on cannabis! if its cheap thats a plus! what i have come to realize is that the most important things are lighting and genetics.
so i say go for it!
grow some green corn!
I haven't tried that yet. I live on a farm and get most of my nutes right here. The compost is started with one grass cutting from about three acres, maybe 40 lbs. chicken manure, and a couple hundred pounds of donkey and goat. The leafs are just starting to fall. This will be a good year for soil prep.

The corn fertilizer sounds like it might be the finishing touch. A rough guess would be to add it to the compost about a month be for planting.

I'll start comparing nutes right away. If it works it would save a couple hundred bucks on feedings.
I was talking with the Advanced Nutrients guy this week and it was ok you need to use our Iguana Juice grow and bloom. Ok I say how much and how often? Well for 12 plants you wil need to feed once a week applying five gallons of water to each plant bla bla bla = A quart and a half juice in sixty gallons of water. So go ahead and buy 2 gallons of grow and 2 gallons of bloom. So I call the nearst distributor for AN. Well shit that adds up real quick. I call the guy at AN the next day and he said ow yes he remembers me, mabye add some Big Bud,WTF.
So today I call a farming fertilizer sales and application place that i knew awhile back, the guy is cool. We talked about plant needs at different growth stages, micronutrients and so on. First thing he said I need to do is get a soil test which cost $20.00. Guess what iam doing tomorrow.
Jacks tomato formula was the go to (from their line) before they started up their cannabis line.

If you want to KISS, I would say just give them megacrop 2 part, or read up on coots soil. If you look at it as more of a philosophy of soil contents than a strict recipe, I think you'll be fine.
Most of the crop farmers around here use a refined poultry litter.
Huge piles sit in fields between crops.
I asked about a pile in a field where I keep bees and that particular pile he said cost 38K !!
Didn't look like that much to me. Lol. But these farmers aren't putting anything down that doesn't work when they put the pencil to it.
Going to try a few buckets sifted (up close you can see lots of bones, feathers, etc), mixed with some other soils. I may see if that farmer will get me the analysis on their litter as well.
The chicken manure is what has cuased me some problems this year. Although it was processed in a bag. It grew the plant very well and the buds looked and felt good hanging but they dried to more fluffy than i like. The nitrogen i believe made the plant want to grow leaves and wouldnt finish the buds, they looked good, it needed more Phosphorus and Potassium that was in the chicken manure.
The soil test today cost $15.00 and in a few days ill know where iam at with my soil.
Corn requires a N based nutrient moreso than cannabis.

Why not use cannabis nutrients on cannabis?

One bottle, doesn't get easier..


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Already planning for next years grow has me rethinking how to supply nutrition properly and efficiently, the kiss method.
I grew up on a large farming operation with livestock, corn, beans, hay and toboacco and tomatoes. All of them had different requirements for nutrition.
Anybody that has experance with growing cannabis in a cornfield will tell you that the plant grows very well there.
Why not use the same fertilizer to mimick corn production? Getting a soil test should be first.
From the About section of my website:

"Strategically placed behind the Silver Queen corn and the Kentucky Blue pole beans, I plant another type of bean... Jamaican. Fertilized just like everything else, with 10-10-10 fertilizer and lime, the plants require less effort than potatoes. They look just like the cover photo on the Grower's Guide. Unlike the garage efforts with the Grow-lux, these are massive. Now this is fucking independence!"

Have used nothing but cheap ass potting soil, with the occasional handful of lime and Epsom salts mixed in when I'm recycling, Peter/Jacks 20-20-20, and spring water for over 40 years now.

It's worked out okay for me.

From the About section of my website:

"Strategically placed behind the Silver Queen corn and the Kentucky Blue pole beans, I plant another type of bean... Jamaican. Fertilized just like everything else, with 10-10-10 fertilizer and lime, the plants require less effort than potatoes. They look just like the cover photo on the Grower's Guide. Unlike the garage efforts with the Grow-lux, these are massive. Now this is fucking independence!"

Have used nothing but cheap ass potting soil, with the occasional handful of lime and Epsom salts mixed in when I'm recycling, Peter/Jacks 20-20-20, and spring water for over 40 years now.

It's worked out okay for me.

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Tell me more, you said 10-10-10 then 20-20-20 when recycling, your not in the ground?
And if they are as easy as potatoes are you only using fertlizer when you plant and not side dressing later?