
I have plants that are going on their fourth week and they are in 5 gallon buckets with fox farm ocean forest soil. I was wondering when should i start using nutrients, how much i should be using at each stage, and what kind of nutes will work best with this soil.


Well-Known Member
i usually begin feeding one week after planting in the ground but it depends on the plants. if they are nice and dark green ill wait longer. as for how much to be using i usually start off with half the recommended dosage for the first feed then go to full strength after that. i feed once a week. and as for what kind of nutes, i guess its personal preference. everybody has their own idea on what works best. i personally use age old organics grow for vegetative growth. for bloom i switch to bill's perfect fertilizer. i also use spray-n-grow (micronutrient complex) throughout the entire cycle. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I would wait until you can tell what sex they are before feeding, use organic nutrients instead of chemical just easier to do, less chance of burning.Start out with vegetation formula till flowering,1 tsp per gallon mix for the feed ,use once or twice in a 2 week period until flowering stage.Just a personal guideline i use.


Well-Known Member
I would wait until you can tell what sex they are before feeding, use organic nutrients instead of chemical just easier to do, less chance of burning.Start out with vegetation formula till flowering,1 tsp per gallon mix for the feed ,use once or twice in a 2 week period until flowering stage.Just a personal guideline i use.
I am sorry I don't understand your reasoning for sexing before feeding plants? What does this do other than deprive a plant the needed nutes to grow and be healthy, not to mention in all liklihood they will sex sooner when given what they need to grow at a proper rate and obtain the needed strength in stem, branches and roots for successfull flowering.
I haven't ever used FoxFarms so I don't know what NPK value the soil has out of the bag. If it is fairly nuetral in NPK value you should start feeding through the soil somewhere around the second week, many factors and personal choices involved. Starting at a reduced dosage of whatever you are using. Build your strength up over a couple of waterings, watching your leaves for signs of being overfed or under fed (basically the color and texture of the leaf). More to it than that but a good starting point. You will have a few day delay from feeding to seeing the full result.
I like to foliar feed my clones and seedlings with 1/4 dosage of fish emulsion from the time if clone it shows growth in the leaves, or seedlings at the second set of true leaves. This is just a very light misting and maybe every 3 to 4 days or until they are fed the first time.
I mean no one any disrespect only their reasoning behind post. Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
ya ive never heard of anyone waiting for a plant to show sex before feeding... thats just ridiculous and makes no sense. u will miss out on precious feeding time.


Well-Known Member
why waste the nutes only to find out its a male..............wait till hairs appear ,its only like 4-5 weeks of time on average to know the sex.Its not that big of a waste of feeding time,The bigger waste would be to have a male after feeding for a time.Thats my logic on i said a personal guideline.


Active Member
My thoughts are<If you are using FFOF soil in a 5 gallon bucket you should start nutes at 1/4 strenght on the first watering , if you transplant correct and drench the soil it will take a Min of 1 week to need water , then the next water go 1/2 power I drench everytime I Feed/water and it takes 7 -8 days to need any water some times longer so I feel by the time thay are 6 weeks old you may have only watered/fed 3-4 times then i would start full nutes ,every other watering , just keep an eye on your plants they will tell you whats up , check your PH maintain at 6.5 Happy Farming ,Cajun


Well-Known Member
why waste the nutes only to find out its a male..............wait till hairs appear ,its only like 4-5 weeks of time on average to know the sex.Its not that big of a waste of feeding time,The bigger waste would be to have a male after feeding for a time.Thats my logic on i said a personal guideline.
because nutes arent that expensive, and in 4-5 weeks i would have fed mine 4-5 times and since its already late in the season u dont want to waste any time. how much nutes could u really waste in 5 weeks? they wont take that much nutes when they are small.


Well-Known Member
why waste the nutes only to find out its a male..............wait till hairs appear ,its only like 4-5 weeks of time on average to know the sex.Its not that big of a waste of feeding time,The bigger waste would be to have a male after feeding for a time.Thats my logic on i said a personal guideline.
I wish you the best of luck in your growing endeavors, I'll keep all my plants healthy as possible until their fate is determined.


Well-Known Member
just because u have been doin it that way for years doesnt mean its the best or the only way. we all have our preferences and most people prefer to feed even if they havent shown sex yet. i mean seriously think about it, how much nutes would u really be wasting...? i dont know what your financial situation looks like and i honestly dont care but i dont think u need to be that frugal.


Well-Known Member
I have plants that are going on their fourth week and they are in 5 gallon buckets with fox farm ocean forest soil. I was wondering when should i start using nutrients, how much i should be using at each stage, and what kind of nutes will work best with this soil.
there alot of nutes out there im using fox farm rite now grow big and big bloom there real easy to use once every other week and for the bucks theres advance nutrients which i plan on using next grow peace man


Well-Known Member
and fox farm ocean forest soil has food in it which feeds the plant for about a month so i think your plant should be getting fed nutes by now but what ever nutes you go with take it easy you could mess your plants up if you over do it.peace out


Well-Known Member
well friend, I never said my way was the best or the only way, it is one way that i have had really good results and have been happy with, u have given this way to much of your time man, lol.


Well-Known Member
Can we see pics of your plants :) would love to see how big and healthy they are.