
Good evening guys

Just a basic question from a newbie. When do I start with the nutrients ?

Plant is only 10 days old, Blue Dream Haze under a 150w HID light. Looking pretty.


Active Member
Yeah I would wait until the second node starts to grow and then do a 1/4 strength feed bumping it up 1/4 strength weekly. Unless you see signs of burn then cut back.. Less is more at this stage in the game...

adam soza

Active Member
You can always add more nutes later, but once you add too much the damage will already be done. Like they said less is more.


Well-Known Member
Good evening guys

Just a basic question from a newbie. When do I start with the nutrients ?

Plant is only 10 days old, Blue Dream Haze under a 150w HID light. Looking pretty.
It depends on whether your soil has nutrients in it already. It's best to wait until the plant is a couple weeks old before giving it nutrients. A NPK ratio of 3-1-2 would be good to use.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest has a good amount of nutes, if that is what you are using.................................


Well-Known Member
what type of soil is it? high nute values? 10 days is too little no mater wich soil. you might shock your plants!
i usually wait 4-6 weeks (bigger containers) or 2-4 weeks (smaller container).
if you wanna be sure just wait 4 weeks

oh! and it also depends on what type of nutes you have since some types buffers soil better/worse than others..


Well-Known Member
As stated above fox farm ocean forest. Has enough nutrient to last 4-6 weeks. That is y I use my pro-mix
No chance of burning seedling. Plus 3 hour drive to buy ff. So I gotlocal nursery just down street.
Im using fox farm ocean forest and using destilled water.
18/6 light schedule- Should i bump this up to 24/0? or keep it at 18/6
Nutes that I will be using will be GH Floragro

Should i give my growing area a cleaning every few weeks?

Thank you for all of the solid info guys

Garden weeds

Active Member
IMO depends on what nutees you got. I use the Bio-bizz range and start using the root juice from like 3 days after sprouting as its Organic. I have not had any problems doing this, but like i said, i think it depends on what range you got. hope this helps and not confuses! GW