NY Outdoor Plans. Asking for input and requesting pictures


So next month im putting out 10 cannalope kush clones in 5 gallon grow bags. Then at the end of June, I will transfer these clones into 15 gal holes filled with Super Soil. I will also be putting out 15 cannalope kush clones into 5 gal grow bags with Super Spoil at the end of june aswell.

Here is where I need input. I have an extra 100 gallons of super soil, and i have 30 3 gal pots. My only problem is that on my property I have no room for 30 more plants. Upstate NY is almost all state land, so i can find places to stick them. They will be small clones put out at the end of june early july. My concern is that I will not be able to check on them or water them more than once a month because of my main garden.

Has anyone left plants for most of flower on their own. They will be shaded somewhat in the woods and it doesn't get too much hotter than 80. Can i go without watering them.

Any one have pics of a plant that was left to do its own thing and succesfully harvest some bud. Is this going to be worth the time. IF I can get an oz a plant, that be an extra 2 lbs, but I DK.


Well-Known Member
So next month im putting out 10 cannalope kush clones in 5 gallon grow bags. Then at the end of June, I will transfer these clones into 15 gal holes filled with Super Soil. I will also be putting out 15 cannalope kush clones into 5 gal grow bags with Super Spoil at the end of june aswell.

Here is where I need input. I have an extra 100 gallons of super soil, and i have 30 3 gal pots. My only problem is that on my property I have no room for 30 more plants. Upstate NY is almost all state land, so i can find places to stick them. They will be small clones put out at the end of june early july. My concern is that I will not be able to check on them or water them more than once a month because of my main garden.

Has anyone left plants for most of flower on their own. They will be shaded somewhat in the woods and it doesn't get too much hotter than 80. Can i go without watering them.

Any one have pics of a plant that was left to do its own thing and succesfully harvest some bud. Is this going to be worth the time. IF I can get an oz a plant, that be an extra 2 lbs, but I DK.
you wont get away with not watering them in 3 gal containers


Well-Known Member
Has anyone left plants for most of flower on their own. They will be shaded somewhat in the woods and it doesn't get too much hotter than 80. Can i go without watering them.>>>

Yes, I have...and in a wooded area. I used to use natural clearings created by storm damage, and had to leave a lady in the ground for 4 months with zero care. We also had no rain that summer for an entire month. I left in May and returned in October, expecting to find little if anything left. To my surprise, I found a nice 4 foot bush that yielded almost a QP. I walked right by the plant twice before even spotting it.

Once established, in-ground cannabis is remarkably drought resistant. However, had that month long drought occurred in June as opposed to July, that young plant would have never made it.

Good Luck!
Save your pots...and transplant into native soil amended with supersoil you have left. You will probably want to check them...but more for broken branches or mold...then for water. Watering won't hurt if you can...but a broken branch can lead to rot inside the main stem and kill the whole plant.


so plant the clones in the ground. Got it. I'll prolly dig like 1.5x1.5x1.5 ft holes mixed with 3gal of super soil. Does this sound reasonable. I mean they will be pretty small clones, going into flower as soon as they are transplanted to the ground. All I'm aiming to get is a zip a plant, without having to bring water to the site. I would really like to visit the site once or twice until they are near harvesting.