Obama says he will Bankrupt Coal Industry

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Another coverup by the Obama media! January 08 While talking to the San Francisco Chronicle Obama said his clean coal policys would necessarily (Key Word) Bankrupt the coal industry and necesarily increase electrical cost! WTF! Thats in his words from his mouth. Not something I read but heard from his mouth. Why does he need to bankrupt the coal industry or make us pay more for fuel. Why do Obama lovers ignore what the guy says! And why accuse Fox News or anyone else that does not back him or want the people to know who the real Obama is as a racist or dumb? The guy has radical associations. Rev Wright, Bill ayers and others. Chicago politics is corrupt and Obama came throuhg that system and is at the top of the heap! Just what we need in the Whitehouse. Maybe Bill Ayers will see a better plan of attack from inside the White House with his buddy Barrack! Duuh! He thinks the Constatution is a Flawed Charter of Negative rights. He thinks America is not a good country and needs fundamental change. Giving our founders No Credit for the country we live in or the freedoms we posses. He doesnt care about the people. He obviously has a agenda other then what he says up front. Why does he get a pass? Is it because he is a black Democrat. That should not matter but it does. Any black person in the senate or house on the Democratic side can say any racist thing they want and get a pass! If a black Repulican opens his mouth he is called Uncle Tom! Why such a difference? What is happening to our country? We will pay out the ass for heat and fuel if Obama gets in office. We need coal and we need to drill while the alternative energy gets online. The guy wants to ruin the country worse then it allready is. Obama is against bussiness, and thinks America is flawed just like Jimmy Carter did. If you remember what happened to the economy under Jimmy Carter be prepared to see it again if Barrack Husein Obama wins!

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Another coverup by the Obama media! January 08 While talking to the San Francisco Chronicle Obama said his clean coal policys would necessarily (Key Word) Bankrupt the coal industry and necesarily increase electrical cost! WTF! Thats in his words from his mouth. Not something I read but heard from his mouth. Why does he need to bankrupt the coal industry or make us pay more for fuel. Why do Obama lovers ignore what the guy says! And why accuse Fox News or anyone else that does not back him or want the people to know who the real Obama is as a racist or dumb? The guy has radical associations. Rev Wright, Bill ayers and others. Chicago politics is corrupt and Obama came throuhg that system and is at the top of the heap! Just what we need in the Whitehouse. Maybe Bill Ayers will see a better plan of attack from inside the White House with his buddy Barrack! Duuh! He thinks the Constatution is a Flawed Charter of Negative rights. He thinks America is not a good country and needs fundamental change. Giving our founders No Credit for the country we live in or the freedoms we posses. He doesnt care about the people. He obviously has a agenda other then what he says up front. Why does he get a pass? Is it because he is a black Democrat. That should not matter but it does. Any black person in the senate or house on the Democratic side can say any racist thing they want and get a pass! If a black Repulican opens his mouth he is called Uncle Tom! Why such a difference? What is happening to our country? We will pay out the ass for heat and fuel if Obama gets in office. We need coal and we need to drill while the alternative energy gets online. The guy wants to ruin the country worse then it allready is. Obama is against bussiness, and thinks America is flawed just like Jimmy Carter did. If you remember what happened to the economy under Jimmy Carter be prepared to see it again if Barrack Husein Obama wins!
So. Where's the link that supports this statement . . . in its ENTIRETY?

For the record, I'm all for getting rid of the coal industry. Their mining methods have destroyed a lot of land and people's home in the West Virginia area, and the soot that comes out of coal-burning power plants is loaded with mercury, which winds up in our rivers and streams, making those fish poison to consume. If you're all for cheaper and cheaper fuel, don't look to coal. It's poisoning us.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Obama Called Out for Comments About Bankrupting Coal Fired Power Plants
Posted: 7:27 PM Nov 2, 2008
Last Updated: 8:25 AM Nov 3, 2008
Reporter: Michael Wooten
Email Address: michael.wooten@wsaz.com

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- With only hours before election day, coal has become a major topic of Decision 2008.

Sunday, comments resurfaced from a taped interview Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama did with the San Francisco Chronicle in January.

In the interview, which has been available online for months, Obama talks about the importance of coal. He went on to talk about his cap and trade proposal to help curb global warming.

"If somebody wants to build a coal power plant they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted," Barack Obama said to the San Francisco Chronicle in January.

The campaign for Republican presidential candidate John McCain jumped on those comments today and is already sending out taped phone messages to voters in Ohio.
Campaigning in Marietta today, McCain's running mate Sarah Palin mentioned the Obama comments.

"He said that, sure, if the industry wants to build coal-fired power plants, then they can go ahead and try, he says, but they can do it only in a way that will bankrupt the coal industry, and he's comfortable letting that happen. And you got to listen to the tape," Sarah Palin said.

The Obama campaign says the quote is being taken out of context and that Obama is actually from a coal state and is a strong supporter of the industry.

The campaign sent a statement today saying "the point Obama is making is that we need a transition from coal burning power plants built with old technology to plants built with advanced technologies."

Monday, the San Francisco Chronicle pointed out the interview has been available on its website since January. It was critical of blogs which claimed the audio was hidden until this point.


Obama Called Out for Comments About Bankrupting Coal Fired Power Plants#

Big P

Well-Known Member
Wow I guess the below Citizens have just heard the shock of thier lives??

Obama not your best buddy like he pretends in those comercials where hes wearing a coal miners hat to get your vote. I guess he wants you to be on welfare too coal Miner.

sad thing is some of them have already voted early for a guy who will destroy thier livelyhood, what a sly dog to lie about it to thier faces.

State Coal Profile Index Map

Click on map or on list below for State data.

Major Coal-Producing States

(in rank order as of 12/31/2000)Minor Coal-Producing States
Now children can anyone find any swing states in there:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ohio Coal Association Says Obama Remarks Make It Clear: Obama Ticket Not Supportive of Coal
Nov 3 11:42 AM US/Eastern
Write a Comment

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 3 /PRNewswire--USNewswire/ -- Mike Carey, president of the Ohio Coal Association (OCA), today issued the following statement in response to just-released remarks from Senator Barack Obama about the nation's coal industry.

"Regardless of the timing or method of the release of these remarks, the message from the Democratic candidate for President could not be clearer: the Obama-Biden ticket spells disaster for America's coal industry and the tens of thousands of Americans who work in it.

"These undisputed, audio-taped remarks, which include comments from Senator Obama like 'I haven't been some coal booster' and 'if they want to build [coal plants], they can, but it will bankrupt them' are extraordinarily misguided.

"It's evident that this campaign has been pandering in states like Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana and Pennsylvania to attempt to generate votes from coal supporters, while keeping his true agenda hidden from the state's voters.

"Senator Obama has revealed himself to be nothing more than a short- sighted, inexperienced politician willing to say anything to get a vote. But today, the nation's coal industry and those who support it have a better understanding of his true mission, to 'bankrupt' our industry, put tens of thousands out of work and cause unprecedented increases in electricity prices.

"In addition to providing an affordable, reliable source of low-cost electricity, domestic coal holds the key to our nation's long-term energy security - a goal that cannot be overlooked during this time of international instability and economic uncertainty.

"Few policy areas are more important to our economic future than energy issues. As voters head to the polls tomorrow, it is essential they remember that access to reliable, affordable, domestic energy supplies is essential to economic growth and stability."
The Ohio Coal Association (OCA) is a non-profit trade association representing the interests of Ohio's underground and surface coal mining producers. The OCA represents nearly 40 coal producing companies and more than 50 Associate Members, which include suppliers and consultants to the mining industry, coal sales agents and brokers and allied industries. The Ohio Coal Association is committed to advancing the development and utilization of Ohio coal as an abundant, economic and environmentally sound energy source.
SOURCE Ohio Coal Association
Copyright 2008 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
"In addition to providing an affordable, reliable source of low-cost electricity, domestic coal holds the key to our nation's long-term energy security - a goal that cannot be overlooked during this time of international instability and economic uncertainty.

And in addition to being an "affordable, reliable source of low-cost" fuel, coal is POISONING US. And that is one goal of mine and of many others: this crap out of our waters and stop poisoning us.

Coal is also a fossil fuel. That means it is NOT infinite.

Further, the strip mining the way the coal industry is conducting themselves, is destroying not only mountaintops in many areas of Applalachia (I'm not well read in other areas of the country, sorry), it is sending gigantic mudslides down stream, destroying people's homes and livelihoods. AND those mudslides are creating sedimentation to a degree I've never even heard of, except in third-world countries. That means these rivers and streams that are part of the larger ecosystem are clogged. And that just continues to screw up a whole heck of a lot of stuff, not the least of which is water quality. I take that very seriously. You should too.

You want cheap fuel? Fine, me too. I'm with you on that. But the coal industry is not hte way to go about it. It's poisoning us. MERCURY is not good for you.

If Obama wants to force the coal industry to literally clean up their act, fine by me. FINE BY ME.

Thank you for posting the link, btw. I do apprecaite that.

edited to add this:


Check this out. You approve of this? Come on, you can't tell me that you do, can you?

The problem, in many ways, is one of perspective. From interstates and lowlands, where most communities are clustered, one simply doesn't see what is happening up there. Only from the air can you fully grasp the magnitude of the devastation. If you were to board, say, a small prop plane at Zeb Mountain, Tenn., and follow the spine of the Appalachian Mountains up through Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia, you would be struck not by the beauty of a densely forested range older than the Himalayas, but rather by inescapable images of ecological violence. Near Pine Mountain, Ky., you'd see an unfolding series of staggered green hills quickly give way to a wide expanse of gray plateaus pocked with dark craters and huge black ponds filled with a toxic byproduct called coal slurry. The desolation stretches like a long scar up the Kentucky-Virginia line, before eating its way across southern West Virginia.

I also want to add that not only do the coal-burning factories produce particulates with mercury . . . these particulates, being what particulates are, spread elsewhere, through the air, via the wind. That means that even states that do not use a lot of coal (they're using nuclear power, some of them) are having to deal with the literal fallout from the mercury particulates. What's that mean? They've GOT SMOG!! LOADED WITH MERCURY!

One such state is North Carolina, dealing the particulate matter coming from neighboring states. NC has some of the worst air in the country, believe it or not. It's got smog that gets trapped east of the Applachians, and a lot of this smog is caused by those coal-burning plants.

Check this out:


and this:

http://www.main.nc.us/cnnews/NewsObserver04-12-01/ (forgot to add the link, so edited to include it)

The entire North Carolina Senate has asked President Bush to clean up the Tennessee Valley Authority's coal-fired power plants, whose smokestacks pump out much of the pollution that is choking North Carolina's mountains.

A letter hand-delivered to Bush during his North Carolina visit Wednesday carried signatures of all 35 Senate Democrats and 15 Senate Republicans and a plea for action on what has become one of the state's most serious environmental problems.

"The time to correct this problem is now and the primary culprit is the TVA system of power plants owned and operated by the federal government," the senators wrote.

The TVA's power plants are located in Tennessee and other states upwind from North Carolina.

"TVA is a federally owned and operated facility and it ought to be the model of environmental excellence," they wrote.

Instead, the senators cited graphic statistics about the decline of air quality in the mountains. More Western North Carolina residents reportedly die from lung-related illnesses than those in other parts of the state, while average visibility in parts of the region has dropped from 65 miles in 1980 to 15 miles today.

Burning coal creates dangerous filth, period.

As for me? I support nuclear energy. It's cheap and it's clean IF IT IS DONE PROPERLY.


Well-Known Member
Actually, his support of the coal industry is one of the main issues I had with him, and his support of the myth of 'clean coal', so this actually one-ups him a point in my book.

Thanks for the info. Another mark FOR Obama. I just mite vote him after all..... (Plus I get to thwart racist and mysogenistic and homophobic shitheads like those that represent the right. Better and better.):twisted:


Well-Known Member
For power generation, I think the US should invest in the construction of more fission reactors.


Well-Known Member
"In addition to providing an affordable, reliable source of low-cost electricity, domestic coal holds the key to our nation's long-term energy security - a goal that cannot be overlooked during this time of international instability and economic uncertainty.

And in addition to being an "affordable, reliable source of low-cost" fuel, coal is POISONING US. And that is one goal of mine and of many others: this crap out of our waters and stop poisoning us.

Coal is also a fossil fuel. That means it is NOT infinite.

Further, the strip mining the way the coal industry is conducting themselves, is destroying not only mountaintops in many areas of Applalachia (I'm not well read in other areas of the country, sorry), it is sending gigantic mudslides down stream, destroying people's homes and livelihoods. AND those mudslides are creating sedimentation to a degree I've never even heard of, except in third-world countries. That means these rivers and streams that are part of the larger ecosystem are clogged. And that just continues to screw up a whole heck of a lot of stuff, not the least of which is water quality. I take that very seriously. You should too.

You want cheap fuel? Fine, me too. I'm with you on that. But the coal industry is not hte way to go about it. It's poisoning us. MERCURY is not good for you.

If Obama wants to force the coal industry to literally clean up their act, fine by me. FINE BY ME.

Thank you for posting the link, btw. I do apprecaite that.

edited to add this:

Mountaintop-removal mining is devastating Appalachia, but residents are fighting back | By Erik Reece | Grist | Main Dish | 16 Feb 2006

Check this out. You approve of this? Come on, you can't tell me that you do, can you?

The problem, in many ways, is one of perspective. From interstates and lowlands, where most communities are clustered, one simply doesn't see what is happening up there. Only from the air can you fully grasp the magnitude of the devastation. If you were to board, say, a small prop plane at Zeb Mountain, Tenn., and follow the spine of the Appalachian Mountains up through Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia, you would be struck not by the beauty of a densely forested range older than the Himalayas, but rather by inescapable images of ecological violence. Near Pine Mountain, Ky., you'd see an unfolding series of staggered green hills quickly give way to a wide expanse of gray plateaus pocked with dark craters and huge black ponds filled with a toxic byproduct called coal slurry. The desolation stretches like a long scar up the Kentucky-Virginia line, before eating its way across southern West Virginia.

I also want to add that not only do the coal-burning factories produce particulates with mercury . . . these particulates, being what particulates are, spread elsewhere, through the air, via the wind. That means that even states that do not use a lot of coal (they're using nuclear power, some of them) are having to deal with the literal fallout from the mercury particulates. What's that mean? They've GOT SMOG!! LOADED WITH MERCURY!

One such state is North Carolina, dealing the particulate matter coming from neighboring states. NC has some of the worst air in the country, believe it or not. It's got smog that gets trapped east of the Applachians, and a lot of this smog is caused by those coal-burning plants.

Check this out:

North Carolina sues Tennessee Valley Authority for excessive air pollution

and this:

Bush urged to clean up TVA smog (forgot to add the link, so edited to include it)

The entire North Carolina Senate has asked President Bush to clean up the Tennessee Valley Authority's coal-fired power plants, whose smokestacks pump out much of the pollution that is choking North Carolina's mountains.

A letter hand-delivered to Bush during his North Carolina visit Wednesday carried signatures of all 35 Senate Democrats and 15 Senate Republicans and a plea for action on what has become one of the state's most serious environmental problems.

"The time to correct this problem is now and the primary culprit is the TVA system of power plants owned and operated by the federal government," the senators wrote.

The TVA's power plants are located in Tennessee and other states upwind from North Carolina.

"TVA is a federally owned and operated facility and it ought to be the model of environmental excellence," they wrote.

Instead, the senators cited graphic statistics about the decline of air quality in the mountains. More Western North Carolina residents reportedly die from lung-related illnesses than those in other parts of the state, while average visibility in parts of the region has dropped from 65 miles in 1980 to 15 miles today.

Burning coal creates dangerous filth, period.

As for me? I support nuclear energy. It's cheap and it's clean IF IT IS DONE PROPERLY.
I'm assuming that you have the same problem with CFLs then? That due to the improper disposal of them there is the problem of Mercury contamination.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Sure, just we need, more radiation being created......


hey puff have u ever wondered why we use coal? and radiation or do u think there no reason for it?

did you know the elctricity u are using to post comes from this?

so unless u wanna be in darkness, :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: i think u smoked one to many



you can take a coal power plant.... strip all the machinery out of it....bring in a nuclear reactor, and build some steam stacks you got something a shit load cleaner than a coal plant?


Sure, just we need, more radiation being created......


its quite obvious you dont understand the concept of "raidation"

radiation is not a gas that leaks out and pollutes everything

radiation emits from the spent fuel of the reactor....it can be either solid or liquid....

now an argument could be "ok so were trading gas waste for liquid waste thats more dangerous"

the soloution would be to fill shipping crates full of radio active material and fire them in the general direction of the sun.... end of problem...

Big P

Well-Known Member

you can take a coal power plant.... strip all the machinery out of it....bring in a nuclear reactor, and build some steam stacks you got something a shit load cleaner than a coal plant?

yes I know that and so does John Mccain

Unfortunatly Barak obama opposes any Nucleur energy expansion,

go figure, we've had nucleur subs all over our oceans for 50 years but the democrats been blocking nucleur power for decades and now they want to crush our coal industry which would lay off 6 million workers

hey???? where are we gonna get our electricity from OBAMA??? i need some Lumens if you know watt I mean.


yes I know that and so does John Mccain

Unfortunatly Barak obama opposes any Nucleur energy expansion,

go figure, we've had nucleur subs all over our oceans for 50 years but the democrats been blocking nucleur power for decades and now they want to crush our coal industry which would lay off 6 million workers

hey???? where are we gonna get our electricity from OBAMA??? i need some Lumens if you know watt I mean.

i highly doubt he is stupid enough to just get rid of >50% of the electricity in america
with no replacement

hope he isnt depending on solar...its still not good enough =/

about 1 sq meter of solar panel out in the middle of the desert produces 1 watt

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member

And you can correct me if I am wrong (WITH CREDIBLE SOURCES), but are these lightbulbs creating as much mercury poisoning as the coal factories are? I'd really like to know.

You've never heard me defend or say one damned word about the mercury in those light bulbs, so I'll call this as yet another one of your logical fallacies: the dreaded strawman.

I posted what I did about the toxic filth created by the coal industry.

You insinuate that I'm okay with improper disposal of CFLs and the mercury released by them.


You can't beat me, Brutal. I don't post stuff that I've not checked out pretty well. And I'm a very well read person, who's had years on you as far as forming reasoned opinions.

And when you use logical fallacies in your attempts to show me up, I'll gladly point them out to you.


Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
i highly doubt he is stupid enough to just get rid of >50% of the electricity in america
with no replacement

hope he isnt depending on solar...its still not good enough =/

about 1 sq meter of solar panel out in the middle of the desert produces 1 watt

Yeah, I'd like to see that backed up with credible sources. I'm not saying it's not true. I'd just like to see if it can be backed up.

ANd if it's true that Obama wants to get rid of all nuclear power, I'm not with him on that one. Yup, you heard me correctly. If it's true that Obma wants to get rid of nuclear power plants, I will not go along with that. I do not believe everything I hear, and I think for myself.

edited to add in response to this comment:

go figure, we've had nucleur subs all over our oceans for 50 years but the democrats been blocking nucleur power for decades and now they want to crush our coal industry which would lay off 6 million workers

Guess what? I don't care if 6million people lose their jobs over this. We are being poisoned every damned day by mercury in the air and in the waters. That means you, me, your kids, your future kids, and so on. I don't care about those lost jobs, especially since if you people would get off your high horses about universities being full of indoctrinated liberals intent on taking everything away from you that supposedly work so hard for, and just consider pouring some of the tax dollars INTO research IN the universities to find and use alternative energy sources, our economy will only soar. NEW TECHNOLOGY IS GREAT FOR THE ECONOMY. Lose six million jobs? Well, when we lost a lot of jobs to Japan in the tech fields (electronics, etc), people who lost their jobs were compensated.

So how about that for solutions?

From what I've read on nuclear power, it's clean and it's cheap, but it must be properly done. End of story.

No, wait. Not the end of the story. Some of our nuclear power plants are so wide open to terrorist attacks it ought to have us all shaking in our boots. Then again, I know I brought this up a long time ago on that monster McCain thread.


Well-Known Member

And you can correct me if I am wrong (WITH CREDIBLE SOURCES), but are these lightbulbs creating as much mercury poisoning as the coal factories are? I'd really like to know.

You've never heard me defend or say one damned word about the mercury in those light bulbs, so I'll call this as yet another one of your logical fallacies: the dreaded strawman.

I posted what I did about the toxic filth created by the coal industry.

You insinuate that I'm okay with improper disposal of CFLs and the mercury released by them.


You can't beat me, Brutal. I don't post stuff that I've not checked out pretty well. And I'm a very well read person, who's had years on you as far as forming reasoned opinions.

And when you use logical fallacies in your attempts to show me up, I'll gladly point them out to you.

Wow, I think that Goebbels comments pissed you off. Lol. I wasn't insinuating that you were okay with contamination of the environment from CFLs, but was more trying to make a point that any one that harps on Coal with out realizing that there are things that some people are pushing for that are just as bad due to failure to plan on the proper handling of them are being hypocrites.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
I'm going to ignore your comment on the Goebbels insult (AD HOMINEM ATTACK, btw, yet one more of your logical fallacies--where the heck were you when that was taught in your school????)

JUST AS BAD, you say? JUST AS BAD as the coal factories? Prove it.

edited to fix Brutal's quote. BAD is what he wrote.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to ignore your comment on the Goebbels insult (AD HOMINEM ATTACK, btw, yet one more of your logical fallacies--where the heck were you when that was taught in your school????)

JUST AS BAD, you say? JUST AS BAD as the coal factories? Prove it.

edited to fix Brutal's quote. BAD is what he wrote.
I suspect I was being forced to learn Spanish, because I don't remember Ad Hominem attacks being mentioned in English, even when we were preparing mock debates. Of course, that was only covered once, and that was in middle school.

Must be those shoddy public schools. Low standards, and lack of a real education while they make sure that we understand other cultures.

Though as far as my statement about CFLs being just as bad. I think that it would appear from below that there is a possibility that I was wrong. Though I don't know for sure, because I don't know how much mercury is found in 110 pounds of coal, and how much mercury is found in a CFL.

Wal-Mart to cut mercury in CFL bulbs - Climate Change
A CFL bulb can save up to $30 in electric costs over its lifetime, prevent more than 110 pounds of coal from being burned, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 450 pounds, Wal-Mart noted.

Mercury in a CFL, 4 milligrams, which might have been reduced... possibly if Walmart's efforts to force its Chinese manufacturers worked.

Edited to add - Though I think there is a small chance that the person that writing this confused .4 mg with 4 milligrams. I don't know, but at the bottom of the page it gives some different figures.

Edited to add - but if the 4 mg is correct, and the 1.2 mg released from electricity consumption is correct the total figure from a CFL is 5.2 mg, which means that the gap below is even narrower.

Mercury Content of Indiana Coals
Mercury in a Lb of Coal, .009 - .14 Mg in Indiana with an average of .05.

So 110 lbs of coal, which can/might/possibly will not be burned by using a CFL, contains about 5.5mg of mercury.

On the other hand, the CFL contains about 4 mg...

Such an amazingly unamazing difference.

Edited to Add
Q: How much mercury is in one CFL?

The amount of mercury in a typical compact fluorescent lamp is approximately 5 milligrams (mg), barely enough to cover the tip of a ballpoint pen. To ensure that the amount stays this small, NEMA members agreed in April 2007 to a maximum mercury content of 5 mg in CFLs up to 25W, and 6 mg in CFLs with higher wattages. This commitment represents a ceiling—the actual average is estimated to be about 3–4 mg as manufacturers continue to design lower mercury versions. By comparison, an oral mercury thermometer contains 500 mg to 1 gram of mercury—or 100 to 200 times more than a CFL.
So it would appear that depending on the bulb, it is possible that CFLs are possibly better than coal, worse than coal, or just as bad.

Depends on the coal, and the CFL in question.