Is anyone here really qualified to judge how our health care compares to the rest of the world? Last I checked, we lead the way in invention, innovation, capabilities, drug development and just about every other area. If a person needs advanced medical treatment there is no other place a person wants to be than here in the US. And one would think there is a reason why world leaders from countries with socialized medicine come here for their own treatment.
Does anyone ever consider the fact that America is 3rd in population size behind only China and India. The efficacy of Socialist systems and Government in general tends to be inversely proportionate to population size. Canada has 1/12 as many people as we do and many Canadians are unhappy with their system. What do you think it will be like when Shaniqua at the DMV is in charge of health care for 300 million? Get a clue, this isn't Sweden - we don't have a teeny tiny homogeneous population of proud productive people. Trust me, the Government doesn't make a big effort to hire our best and brightest - in fact they have very heavy hiring quotas. So, the people in charge of your health care will likely be someone hired due to their race and not their ability - this is a fact.
You must also understand that you can't go by statistics alone. While Cuba may report a higher life expectancy (which may be Government propaganda), they also eat nothing but fish and fresh fruit and vegetables. It probably isn't too often that they go out for ribs or order pizza delivery. The US is not Sweden or Norway or even Canada - you just can't make comparisons without having all the facts.
The one thing we know for sure is that capitalism usually produces a better result that socialism and that the US is head and shoulders above every other country with regard to innovation, invention and technology. We can do things here those other countries can not and it is all due to capitalism.
That being said, I think there is much room for improvement and I think proper regulations can bring costs way down for everyone. But letting the government take over the whole kit and caboodle is sure to be a disaster - always has, always will.