Occupy Mainstreet, HOLY SHIT!


Well-Known Member
Are you guys aware of what is going on all over our country right now. There are over 10,000 protestes on Wallstreet today. The protest there started over a week ago and it is rapidly growing.

There are also Occupy Movements going on all over the USA including this Oct 15 in Lansing and more planned for Detroit and Ann Arbor..


This shit is big, MSM is on the hush about it, most people do not even know it is happening. NYPD has been manhandling young men and women, people are getting pissed, shit is about to hit the fan.


Well-Known Member
Are you guys aware of what is going on all over our country right now. There are over 10,000 protestes on Wallstreet today. The protest there started over a week ago and it is rapidly growing.

There are also Occupy Movements going on all over the USA including this Oct 15 in Lansing and more planned for Detroit and Ann Arbor..


This shit is big, MSM is on the hush about it, most people do not even know it is happening. NYPD has been manhandling young men and women, people are getting pissed, shit is about to hit the fan.
I was listening to Lou Dobbs lastnite and if I remember right he talked bout this/sum Women guest at the end of the show! Hhhmmm... I this is just the beginning.. IMHO


Well-Known Member
It is good to see. People are waking and realizing that banks and big business have been dominating our lives and working against us. The time has come for real change in my opinion.


Active Member
wow....me and my dad were just talking about this last week. It's time for the next revolutionary war..suit up gents


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately they cant get a message out. They like stopped swinging the bat half way through and hit a ground out instead of a home run. Its great that they were able to organize in some fashion but from the outside and even people on the inside of it are about as clear as mud about what the one defining argument is that is driving the "movement".


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately they cant get a message out. They like stopped swinging the bat half way through and hit a ground out instead of a home run. Its great that they were able to organize in some fashion but from the outside and even people on the inside of it are about as clear as mud about what the one defining argument is that is driving the "movement".
agreed..Susan Sarandon came out on Sunday and spoke to some of the protesters and one of the things she said is they need to focus on one cause for this to work.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=9dj&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=X&ei=7e-KTvHyEsHY0QHd8O3tBA&ved=0CCwQvwUoAQ&q=susan+sarandon&spell=1


Well-Known Member
Let them RIOT, but I dont think that you guys are getting this. This is a call for peaceful protest/social disobedience, a show of power if you will. Don't allow yourselves to be spoon fed by the media. Just because this has been reported in a light to paint this as a movement with out direction, I for one don't believe that. This is just people beginning to unite and it's bigger than NY or the USA. This is anon at work...


Well-Known Member
i believe this whole occupy thing is actually sposed to be tomorrow. all these groups have just been building up before the event. kinda like waiting for concert tickets...does anyone even do that anymore???

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We're having demonstrations in Santa Fe and Albuquerque. The "authorities" are already trying to find ways to stop them. Right now the excuse is the protesters didn't get a permit to protest. They're talking about making arrests to create fear.


Well-Known Member
yeah because in amerika we need to be permitted to speak out. You can be as free as you want here as long as you can afford to buy it.


Well-Known Member
I've been reading bits and pieces about the "Occupy Mainstreet" movement. I know there are many things I am unhappy with, mainly that the necessities of life are becoming so expensive for those who do not have high paying jobs.


Well-Known Member
LOL thanks for the laugh Winterwoman.
Fade, I'm not sure how things are in Cali right now, but in Michigan things haven't been good for people, even if employed I imagine that many aren't earning a very good living wage or at least not as good as they've grown accustom to. A couple of my friends moved out to Cali a few years back and even staying with relatives they couldn't make a good go at it, just not the jobs? I'm not saying people couldn't do more for themselves. Are there some lazy people who are reaping what they sow, sure but when you have college grads working 3 shitty part time jobs and struggle to make ends it's a little disparaging.