Odd occurnences on 34th day flower


Well-Known Member
34th day flower...600 watt HPS...NSR Green Leaves Bloom Juice every other feeding...wtf is this business...the fucked up spotting on a leaf i snipped and the plant it was snipped from...feedback appreciated


Well-Known Member
yeah i will attempt to flush it...if it is pests what should i do? i mean the dots dont scrape off or anything...i just hope it will make it threw budding...any ideas or advice?


Well-Known Member
i know some bugs suck sap off leaves..and then leave the black spots(they spit it out or shit it...i read it somewhere if forget the names...) ..... i had this problem my first grow..... get pestacides......like bugg off fox foam if u can....... its funny ...ever time i here about spot problems...some how it always comes down to flushing it...lol....


Well-Known Member
yeah well slight update and potentially more problems...well the plant was in a 3 gallon...roots filled it up so i filled an additional 2 gallon tub with soil and just stuck it in....well i saw roots starting to show through the bottom of the other pot so i decided to buy a mega-pot like 10 gallons and cut the bottom pot off and i put it in there...upon cutting off the bottom pot i found what looked to be clusters of little eggs all along my roots....im assuming these are insects of some sort....but either wat now its in a bigger pot but some of the leaves are getting worse while some remain unaffected (which are only the single ones areound the bud sites) i only have a shitty ph tester so i can honestly say that might be the problem....i just dont want to do this with my other plant so if someones got some advice i would appreciate it....


Well-Known Member
also...do you think it will make it into budding or am i fucked here...the black dots are IN the leaves...not bumped up..or a liquid....there like dried dark circles in the leaf...pisses me off evertime i see em


Well-Known Member
I would say wait it out, try getting a vegtable and other edible plant safe pesticide. That wont stop what damage has been done but it will prevent it in the future.


Well-Known Member
your fucked.
give me your plants.

just flush the plants, wipe down the leaves with a sterile towel, water and a lil dish soap.

thats all you can really do.


Well-Known Member
i always thought that spider mites left webs on the stems and leaves and also cause white and yellow dotting compared to black and brown spots...ive also noticed my leaves are alot dryer then usual...so im still a little skeptical about the cause of these dots...althought im leaning more towards infestation after seeing the little clusters of balls in my soil...no webs though....


Well-Known Member
im mind of worried because im also seeing these little clusters in my other plants...is this some large scale bug buttfuck...and why did the dots on the leaves show up so late into flowering???.....i mean the older plant was perfect color and clarity until 1 week ago...its insane...i just want the buds to pull through...


Well-Known Member
yeah i cant find a single pic that looks like what i saw in my soil...individual clusters of tiny balls all around the base all about the same size...could it be a mold or fungus?...i dont see anything on the bottoms of my leaves exept the dots...also the single leaves around the buds...completely unaffected...makes no sense...im not sure if to flush to kill the insects because if its mold itll just leave my soil wet...but if its a ph prob i dont want to add nutes....but if it is bugs maybe letting it get a lil dry would solve both the mold and the insect problem...and yes KingEric ive thought aout Gnats but i have seen nothing flying around my room so i didnt think they would be around...what are some solutions for the (what im assuming is) larvae in my soil?