Official IRS Scandal


Well-Known Member
So the IRS has admitted to lying and has now admitted it has targeted conservative groups. Since Friday we have found out the IRS has lied twice, about the size and scope of the scandal and who was involved. It has now come to light that certain liberal media groups were given information about conservative groups that even they admit should have not been released to them. New information is inching it's way closer and closer to DC. Sorry for the copy and paste below but want to give the two certain forum retards something to digest before they go on their bullshit flinging.

Documents set to be released this week by the IRS watchdog show that the agency targeted tea party organizations and other groups focused on government spending and the federal debt that were seeking tax-exempt status.

The IRS also applied extra scrutiny to applicants with statements that "criticize how the country is run" or that sought to educate the public on how to "make America a better place to live," designations that would have included conservative political groups looking to apply for 501(c)(4) status. Those disclosures are included in the appendix of an inspector general's report, obtained by CNN, that has caused widespread anger among lawmakers on both sides of the aisle as well as conservative groups.
An IRS official admitted Friday that the agency made "mistakes" in the past few years with tax-exempt status applications submitted by groups with the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their names. Multiple conservative groups have said their applications were delayed and returned with lengthy requests for supporting materials, sometimes including website printouts and lists of guest speakers.

The IRS admitted Friday that it had subjected Tea Party-affiliated groups to additional scrutiny based, in some cases, solely on whether the name of the organization reflected a conservative ideology. That scrutiny sometimes involved improper questions into the group's funding, members and associations.

They have already been caught lying about the subject.

The Associated Press reported on Saturday that based on a draft of the IG report, knowledge of the practice seemed not to be confined just to low-level employees, as initially claimed. Lerner was informed of the targeting practice on June 29, 2011, the IG report says, according to the AP. The IG report notes that Lerner wanted the criteria immediately changed. The AP also reported that according to the portion of the IG investigation released to the news outlet, it is unclear whether IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman or anyone outside the IRS knew about the changes.

Acting Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Steven T. Miller repeatedly failed to tell Congress that tea party groups were being inappropriately targeted, even after he had been briefed on the matter.

At least twice after the briefing, Miller wrote letters to members of Congress to explain the process of reviewing applications for tax-exempt status without revealing that tea party groups had been targeted. On July 25, 2012, Miller testified before the House Ways and Means oversight subcommittee but again was not forthcoming on the issue — despite being asked about it.

After brewing for months, the IRS effort exploded into wider view on Friday when Lois Lerner, director of exempt organizations for the IRS, apologized for what she called the "inappropriate" targeting of conservative groups for closer scrutiny, something the agency had long denied.

IRS officials in Washington were involved in targeting of conservative groups
Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington and at least two other offices were involved with investigating conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, making clear that the effort reached well beyond the branch in Cincinnati that was initially blamed, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.

IRS BUSTED sharing conservative group information with liberal media.

OMGZ this is like, obama's 5th watergate already!

he's also a gay socialist secret muslim with a false birth certificate who personally slaughtered the CIA in benghazi.

this i know, for retards like OP have told me so.
OMGZ this is like, obama's 5th watergate already!

he's also a gay socialist secret muslim with a false birth certificate who personally slaughtered the CIA in benghazi.

this i know, for retards like OP have told me so.
Should've picked Hillary instead but no, liberals had to prove how "tolerant" they are, so they chose Dumbo.

When will you admit he's a loser? Hes easily as much of a failure as Bush.

Bush confused words where Obama just omits them entirely, for example: "Eh eh eh eh...AMERICA!!" Obamas Every Speech, 2008 - present.
OMGZ this is like, obama's 5th watergate already!

he's also a gay socialist secret muslim with a false birth certificate who personally slaughtered the CIA in benghazi.

this i know, for retards like OP have told me so.

Translation: FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP Benghazi. Why is my commander-and-queef under three scandal investigations at the same time?!? Don't the news have better things to report than government corruption? Don't you guys already know Obama has no fucking idea what is going on under his watch? This isn't news!

If I keep my eyes closed I can deny everything. Brilliant!
Translation: FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP Benghazi. Why is my commander-and-queef under three scandal investigations at the same time?!? Don't the news have better things to report than government corruption? Don't you guys already know Obama has no fucking idea what is going on under his watch? This isn't news!

If I keep my eyes closed I can deny everything. Brilliant!

And he can hold his breath until we all disappear....:)
Translation: FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP Benghazi. Why is my commander-and-queef under three scandal investigations at the same time?!? Don't the news have better things to report than government corruption? Don't you guys already know Obama has no fucking idea what is going on under his watch? This isn't news!

If I keep my eyes closed I can deny everything. Brilliant!
He TOTALLY doesn't look like a monkey there...
Translation: FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP Benghazi. Why is my commander-and-queef under three scandal investigations at the same time?!?

i hear that under obama's personal direction, the IRS fabricated lies to justify an unnecessary invasion that cost trillions of dollars, the lives of 4,000+ american soldiers, and half a million civilians.

woops, am thinking of someone else.

anyhoo, i'm sure you guys were simply outraged about that one!

lol, "scandals".

keep dreaming, tards. all this crying retard wolf has me mighty entertained. your drool has turned to spittle and the rest of the nation collectively yawns and amuses themselves of you little howler monkeys.
i hear that under obama's personal direction, the IRS fabricated lies to justify an unnecessary invasion that cost trillions of dollars, the lives of 4,000+ american soldiers, and half a million civilians.

woops, am thinking of someone else.

anyhoo, i'm sure you guys were simply outraged about that one!

lol, "scandals".

keep dreaming, tards. all this crying retard wolf has me mighty entertained. your drool has turned to spittle and the rest of the nation collectively yawns and amuses themselves of you little howler monkeys.

What was public opinion before Afghanistan, 90%+ ??

You all wanted it, your "Chosen People" ass included.

What was public opinion before Afghanistan, 90%+ ??

You all wanted it, your "Chosen People" ass included.

90% to go into iraq based on demonstrable lies?

ummm, no.

but i'm sure the tards were apoplectic over that little "scandal".

(pro tip: they weren't)
The Internal Revenue Service has warned one of Southern California's largest and most liberal churches that it is at risk of losing its tax-exempt status because of an antiwar sermon two days before the 2004 presidential election.

In 2004, the NAACP was hit with an audit over accusations of improper political activity for criticizing the Bush administration.
Republicans arnt supposed to do it either, that's the fucking point.
The Internal Revenue Service has warned one of Southern California's largest and most liberal churches that it is at risk of losing its tax-exempt status because of an antiwar sermon two days before the 2004 presidential election.

In 2004, the NAACP was hit with an audit over accusations of improper political activity for criticizing the Bush administration.

Not that I expect you to understand any of this, Dumbdog, but I am going to post it anyway:

[h=3]Churches and Political Campaign Activity[/h] Churches and other nonprofits are strictly prohibited from engaging in political campaigning. This prohibition stems from the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”).
An organization that qualifies as “tax-exempt” under Section 501(c)(3) is one that devotes its resources to educational, religious, scientific or other charitable activities, and that complies with a number of other rules, including the prohibition on political activity. In exchange for agreeing to fulfill certain public purposes and following the rules for 501(c)(3)s, these organizations do not pay taxes on their income and contributions received by them are tax-deductible by their donors. Churches are recognized as 501(c)(3) organizations, although under the law, they do not have to get specific approval from the IRS to be tax-exempt under 501(c)(3), unlike other charities."
