OG Sour Kush


New Member
Hello fellow growers! I would like to thank everybody that helps newbs like me and also take the time to write amazing info. and share it.... its dedication, really.. thanks! i send good vibes to you all and your greenie beauties!

So i was wondering if anybody here has grown OG Sour Kush, i would like to read some experiences, and ge some good advice so i can grow nice bud! i got some clones almost 3 weeks veg now, and maaan they are sooo beautiful they already smell sooo good hahaha, im happy! But yeah i know it might be a bit in advance but mostly i want to know what results will i have with this strain if i do some topping or fimming, will it produce more or not so much?

On the other hand there is a part of the crop that's growing very fast and others are not, well not all of the clones where the same size and some looked healthier than others, now the small ones are looking better but i wanted to ask in general about thinning, i've never done it and my gut tells me (from what i have read and what i see now) i will have to do it in a couple of weeks, but what do you guys think, should i separate the big and small and just put them in order from small to big so that the big ones don't take light of the others, or should i cut the big ones so the canopy is level? Its just that the big ones look so amazing.... they all do! hahaha.

But well yeah would be nice to now more about this strain and some good ideas to grow it better!
. Thank you very much and blessings to all!

Happy Season!!!