og's in 44 day of flowering...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
:-P:-P today i looking at my og collection n i want to share it im not a profesional but i think im geting the hang of it.. walk in is almost ready at 44 days enjoy...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
IMAG0298.jpg l00 dollar og grow the same as liquid coke og yet smell diffrent just one is more deasly the other is totaly sweet if i could discribe it its like a sweet purple smell if purple color had a sent.. leave r burning i dont know how to run ozone yet..this is liquid cokeIMAG0302.jpgand the ogesielIMAG0288.jpgthe ogesiel smells realy fruity like kinda diesly but sweet a hint of ogee just a hint... not to much weight im not happy with the plant.. mabe its just a dud or mabe small yielder,hear is green crackIMAG0289.jpgthis is king lui its seen better daysIMAG0284.jpgand alien ogIMAG0295.jpgand the last is platnum ogIMAG0290.jpg this on is a fatie i love it i dont know how she will drie first time running her ya i know im a fossiel, i have many ogees under my belt one day ill sit n go threw all my pics n i will post them they r diffrent for shure. the caricteristics r simular in some but thier r some that i have grown that dont look like an ogee at all but reek like fucken fuel i wish i could find them again thier is a few... hope u like it i will post wen they r finish... next on the agenda will be cenderella 88 x master, plantnium master og, don colieon og, cletus og, and girl scout cookies. i hope u enjoyed this.. thankx for your time n for bearing threw my litterature...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
100 dollar og.jpg100 og still got two weeks to goluiqid coke.jpgsecond is liquid coke og notice the slight diffrence one crowns or castles will form on the hundred verses round tear drop nugs on the liquid coke og.king lui.jpgthird is king lui x111 og it solid if i rate this in power n pugencie its 10 on the scale of one threw ten..fourthogiesle.jpgogiesle is purple the lighting wont let that show in this pic wen i cut them down ill post in better light..green crack.jpgfith green crack starting to show orange hairs it also known as mango kush, just kush, or martin mean green x mars og.six platnum ogplatnum og.jpg all in the same garden one 4x4 set up all from diffrent angles.. hope u liked

thump easy

Well-Known Member
im sad today my deleaf process today n i found a hermie it was the platnum og :( well i decided to open a nug n i found a pen sized seed not fully developed but enough i went on all sides of my tray n yes its the same shit :( i think i had a light leak just enough to piss it off. :(platnum cut.jpgplatnum going DOWN!!! the fucken bitch dirty colprate!!!!! second the plant next to it king lui... i found one been in it lol brown.king lui cut.jpgoggees look the same but diffrent smell difrent, the stem structure in the main stem looks diffrent.... and some tyms the leaf.seed.jpggreen crack a few days before point i had no choice...green crack cut.jpg

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ogeisleogeisle cut.jpgstill got some leaf burns im not shure if it was the ozone.... but hear it goes down week early,woops. hear you go chears to all you growers i love your pics i hope you like mine..cross roads.jpg

thump easy

Well-Known Member
she is down luiquid coke ogeeliquid coke og....jpgthier you are a piece of heaven... she smell so good.. its a sweet ogee you smell the sweetness or a sugar flower as if it has nectar of some sweet flower but the ogee desiely side kick comes right up in your nostrols so its like sweet but then ogee menace to society knowck you on your ass fucken stone to the bone it stands alone.. she is mean n green.. lolz hahaha im kiding ya this is the last crop.. alien she is on her way down ill give her a few days.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
thier done i got 2 lb out of all my shit two lights man that sucks. lolz ima slow down im gona put up just one light this tym to finish the girl scout cookies my friend got arested and they raided his house they found clones he is still going to court but child protective services r giving him a hard time i live hear with my daughter so thats enought to scare me i put my light down n only doing six fuck that for realz and thats just to smoke im aloud half a pound i dumped the rest at the local shop... good luck out their its not worth going over your scripts im straight... as for the girl scout cookie dude man i hope it goes okay for his ass... laterzzz....


Well-Known Member
I BELIEVE YOU HAVE MET MY FRIEND, DAN K. =) HE IS A NICE FELLOW.... looks great keep it green


Well-Known Member
way to play it safe , check out my thread i just started its in my sig, and has pics too

that sucks about your homie and that your rec is only good for 6, mine is good for up to 90, and 6#..
tell your bro that felonies suck, fight it with all hes got, cause it will screw him. I speak from experience cause it screwed the fuck outta me, and stick by him, at a close distacne as well, be a good homie

thump easy

Well-Known Member
okay finished product man they look the same lolz its the lighting or something but these r dense nugs.. finished king lui.jpgthis is king lui fuck stinks of desil og very very very strong i have grown many ogees this one buy far has been the stinkiest one of all in my opionion. but no i havent grown them all so i cant say but its up thier.. the next one is liquid og it smells sweet very sweet yet you can still smell the og in it... very nice sweet nectar smell frostie i wish i had a better cameria..hear she is they look alike these two realy dense look tear drop nugs. luiquid coke ogfinished liquid coke.jpg.