Oh happy day! Guess what came in the mail today????


Well-Known Member
No not seeds but a good guess. I just confirmed with the Mrs that we just received 1/2 oz of some of the best shit I ever smoked in my life. About a month ago we were in S. California and my mother-in-law (yup, that's right) supplied us (free of charge) with the best weed I ever smoked. This shit would keep us both high for about 4 hours at a time. Three or 4 hits and we were flying. My local guy has gone AWOL on us and we were forced to buy shitty bagweed. My homegrown won't be ready for at least another month, month and a half. Man, I hate somking that shit weed. Gave us both headaches. Fortunately, I still had one big bud of high-grade (month old) that I was picking at and mixing with the crappy stuff. That made it at least bareable.

Anyways, I digress. We floated the idea of her mailing us some of it and I really didn't think she would go for it but SHE DID!! Wooooohoooo! Arrived today. The wife just informed me how strong it smelled. Can't wait to get home and take a couple bong hits. $170 for 1/2 oz. I think it was called Cali Kush or something like that. To me, it has a peach flavor but that could just be my perception. I'm leaving work early today just to enjoy a couple good hits.

So, I am thinking of taking the rest of the crappy weed, along with the remaining couple pinches of high grade I have left, some of the cuttings from the plants and maybe a tiny bud of what came today and making some hash. I've NEVER had hash and everything I read about it makes me want to try it more and more.


Well-Known Member
if you don't mind me asking... how did mailing it work? Was it USPS or UPS or fedex or what? I live on the east coast, and know people in boston and vermont that get killer buds... how risky is it to send?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I've been busy trying to cultivate a new source down here. It's been about 3 weeks since I last heard from my regular guy. He hasn't returned my calls or txt messages. Normally, he's calling me asking if I need to reorder. Hope the pigs didn't bust him.

Another reason I am growing. I don't want to be dependent on anyone for my smoke. I aim to be self-reliant.


Well-Known Member
Mat, it was USPS priority. I don't want to divulge how she packed it on the open forum (you never know if the narcs visit here). PM and I will let you know.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks dude, i always find the disclaimers funny as as hell... i'll pm ya about the mail thing, thanks man!


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear it hearmenow.
I was wondering if anyone has been succesful with sending herb thru the mail.
California kush... hmm sounds damn good.
Could you post a pic of the bud. Does it have an orange tint?


Well-Known Member
Well, we sparked up some last night. Mmmmm...nice dank earthy smell. Nice mellow high that stays with you for a good 2.5-3 hours. It does have a orangeish-reddish tint. I LOVE THE SMELL! This batch isn't as killer as the one we had out in Cali but damn good anyways...Last night I thought of taking a pic of our staff but was too stoned to care. When I take my next batch of plant pics, I'll make sure to take a few of the stash.