Oh man!! Big problem. Help needed


Hey guys and girls.

Right., so I thought I'd make a upgrade due to temps been so high.
I bought a new ext. Fan ( a vk315) and installed it today. Got it extracting out of my chimney flue.
But this thing is so loud!! And I mean loud. Like a jet!!!!
I got a fan speed controller and used that too but still so loud. If I turnit down too much then I don't feel like it's doing anything.

Does any one have any tips where it can be on a decent speed and still be bearable noise wise. The mrs will kill me if anyone hears anything!

Thanks again peeps,


Well-Known Member
I would say take it back and perhaps spend a bit more on a better one? I will be honest and say I do not know much about fans :)


um buy a vortex inline and get the ducting that is insulated and if u have to get green board around ur room. it will help with the sound damping.


Any in particular that you recommend?

To be honest I would like to keep this one and sort the problem out if possible

but if the shit hits the fan (so to speak) and someone hears and I get busted then I'm seriously fooked. Im too pretty for jail.


Well-Known Member
haha. Sorry like I say I don't have any experience with fans. Other then a speed controller which is what you been using I don't THINK there is much else you can do.... I may be wrong.


ya go with a vortex they are like 200 for a 4 - 6 " fan. i have 2 12s in a 12 foot by 11 foot room but the insulated ducting is the way to go.

Natures Cure

Active Member
Hey guys and girls.

Right., so I thought I'd make a upgrade due to temps been so high.
I bought a new ext. Fan ( a vk315) and installed it today. Got it extracting out of my chimney flue.
But this thing is so loud!! And I mean loud. Like a jet!!!!
I got a fan speed controller and used that too but still so loud. If I turnit down too much then I don't feel like it's doing anything.

Does any one have any tips where it can be on a decent speed and still be bearable noise wise. The mrs will kill me if anyone hears anything!

Thanks again peeps,
Get inline duct fans. 4 or 6 inch phlange. try vortex. 400 cfm for like little over 150 shipped. or 190 cfm 4 inch phlange 90 shipped.


Well-Known Member
Just an idea.....

You could wrap a towel around the outside of the fan and then wrap a carboard box around the towel that extends over both ends of the fan, to make a silencer. It should suffocate the noise inside the box tunnel while the fan blows effectively. Just a thought, wrapping towels around it or hanging it with bungee cords will make less noise


Wat about taping insulation to it? Hmmmm.

I know there are better fans out there and my next upgrade will reflect that but I'm on abudget ATM and hence the £70 12'' fan. It has a apparant 1325m3/h airflow rate which seemed pretty good till I turned it on and got flown to Bermuda.


Well-Known Member
heres a few ways, I would of typed it all out myself but im a bit messed up right now and I couldnt think of how i should compose it to sound the best and easiest to understand. lol
Growing Tip:
How to dampen noise from PC fans
-- Cultivation of Marihuana Factoid

Grower Added: Blueberry Hills Last Edited by: Blueberry Hills Viewed: 700 times Rated by 5 users: 8.60/10 Cannabis Fact Contributed by: Steen / Mellow Yellowharja / Nexsus6
Cannabis Tip Submitted: March 10th, 2010
Images archived: 2005

If you are trying to make use of a PC case fan, but finding it gets quite loud, this is for you!

You will need the following:

o Insulation foam strip (any thin foam should do)
o Heat-shrink tubing (from any electronics shop)

Step 1 - Preparing your mounting screws

Take your heat-shrink tubing and cut 4 pieces - each around the width of your fan mounting (Picture 2). Insert the screw into the tubing and shrink to fit (Picture 3).

You now have rubber coated screws to dampen some of the vibrations.

Step 2 - Mounting the fan

Take your foam tape, peel off the backing and place along the edge of your fan (the side facing the wall). Make SURE that all sides are covered!

As you can see, overlapping the tape is fine.

Screw the fan to your box wall tightly! The foam will compress leaving an air-tight seal around the edge of the fan.

The rubber screws coupled with the foam seal will stop vibrations from the fan, leaving only the sound of air passing through it. This can be reduced to silence by running the fan at 9 volts!

Contributed by: Mellow Yellowharja

A much simpler approach is using one of those camping mats made of polyurethane. Cut a strip of the mat thatӳ long enough to run 3 times around the outer sides of the fan.

Make an opening for the fan that is slightly smaller than the fan with the mat, OR depending on your setting, make an frame for the mat/fan combo that you can fit on the inlet/outlet hole (out of wood or whatever).

Stuff/slip/slide carefully the fan - mat combo into the opening - simultaneously insulating any light and air leaks AND very effectively sound dampening the fan. Itӳ also possible to run wires through between the mat layers as it flexes to accommodate wiring.

Usually its possible just to make the opening and slip in the fan-mat combo, no screws etc needed. If the strip of mat extends in front and back of the fan, the sound of the fan (blades) and air rushing is also dampened.

Contributed by: Nexsus6

If mounting and noise are an issue, another great damper is silicone. If your fans are not near a direct heat source (unaffected by high temp silicone mixtures), you can effectively run a bead around all contact surfaces prior to tightening...Silicone maintains a certain elasticity after curing. Allows vibration to dissipate and holds screws tight.


Ooh sounds helpful. Will have a go with that. Deffo the silicone part.

With the camper mat part, am I Reading it right that it should be tight against the fan? Or loosely around it?
Thanks all keep it coming if there's any more ideas


your chimney is RESONATING the fan, believe it or not.
when yiur fan is not going out your chimney, it will be softer ;)
audio engineering instructor.


Well-Known Member
your chimney is RESONATING the fan, believe it or not.
when yiur fan is not going out your chimney, it will be softer ;)
audio engineering instructor.
If he wanted to keep the fans physical location in the chimeny (although i"m not sure where the actual fan is) he could make a insulated sound reducing box. If I was running some duct up a chimmeny I would certainly use some rigid pipe which like insulated duct with reduce noise if mounted properly. Now if your talking about noise comming out of the end of the exhaust which can also happen a number of ways in this situation then you need to concider where the end is. If it is low in the chimney you'll get the resonating effect from the rushing air, so then you would have to get it farther up the chimney. Anytime you are moving large amounts of air you are going to hear it moving. They sell a duct silencer for this situation but I think one could be made pretty easy.

Just some ideas...


Active Member
get a box and a bag of that shipping popcorn stuff. syrofoam is a great soundproofer. just cut holes to fit the ducting, put the fan in the box and throow that stuffing in it.


Well-Known Member
First you gotta figure out if it's the mechanical noise or wind noise. If it's wind noise (which is usually the loudest part of the inline fans I've seen) then insulated ducting is your best bet I think. If it's the moving fan parts making noise, then insulating it and making sure it doesn't touch anything that will resonate will be your best bet. Good luck!