Oh no I think I killed my plant...

So my plant is about 2 weeks old and about 7 inchs tall. i have been LSTing it and i was tying it down and I sanpped the top 2 inches off...it took two nodes with it. Now all i have left is 8 nodes for growth...will my plant survive...I mean I guess I kind of just topped it if you think about it, except I topped a little more then usuall...ANy thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like topping to me... did you completely remove what was snapped off?

It should be fine... May stunt growth, but won't die...


Well-Known Member
You should be still good by the sound of it ( no pic's). You did take a way a lot of your yield though.


New Member
It's no big deal, marijuana is incredibly resilient. To prove this point to my wife a couple weeks ago I literally stomped a male plant into the ground, violently , no mercy. I then said we would look at it in a week. She thought I had killed it. A week later it was the largest and healthiest male in the patch. Though growing a bit closer to the ground.
Point is, pot can take a licking and keep on ticking, don't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
worst case scenario, it will take a while to recover, and probably be stunted until harvest. Best case scenario, you unintentionally topped your plant; you will now have two main colas instead of one. This is actually a popular yield-improving technique when done properly.

Basically, I don't foresee your plant dying from this, however I recommend you keep a close eye on it and make sure it gets lots of love. Love=dank bud, end of story.


Well-Known Member
If in the future this happens again, and you have an area to tape it up, grab some masking tape and wrap it up, give it a week and it will usually heal itself. But like a few people said give us a pic so we can see how bad the damage is, but weed will usually direct energy towards the other growing areas so if you have other stalks coming off those should grow more now :)