Oh Yeah....I'm a Newb


Well-Known Member
After 2 weeks of being on 12/12 (or so I thought), I realized that another timer (timer 6? wtf?)was programmed to turn back on 5 hrs after the 12/12. :wall:

So what I thought was 12/12 turned out to be 19/5. bongsmilie

Well, at least I got 2 more weeks of veg. in. (one was 12/12 from seed) :peace:


Well-Known Member
if you have gone thru 6 timers, and all are having a similar issue, i am tempted to say that the problem is not with the timers.....


Well-Known Member
You can set 10 different on/off times. Timer 1 comes on at 7am and off at 7pm, every day. You can set 10 seperate timers in total. Hope that makes sense.