OK, anyone here skip dive?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
As it says, any of you delve into the unknown after asking ppermission to see what they can find?
my last tally up was 300 quids worth of copper pipe ,200 quids worth of scrap metal. various bits of wood, enough to build a guitar amp cab pluss more. various electronic goods to be repaired. amongst other things. just wondered oif anyone else takes advantage of others crap.
In guessing with the word "quid" that you're in the UK or Europe or something? Is that what y'all across the pond call a dumpster? A skip?

I've never dumpster dived my self. But when I first bought a truck I was like, "this is awesome. If I see someone throwing something out, I can just throw it in the back!" That was 15 years ago and I've done that exactly 0 times now lol.

But we get a ton of scrap at my work and cash it in at the end of the year.
used to hit the "Anna's Linnen's" cardboard dumpster almost weekly.
had lots of large and odd shaped auto parts to ship and the huge boxes were a big moneysaver.
they closed just about the time I started buying 4x8 sheets of cardboard.
took box making to a whole nuther level:D
In guessing with the word "quid" that you're in the UK or Europe or something? Is that what y'all across the pond call a dumpster? A skip?

I've never dumpster dived my self. But when I first bought a truck I was like, "this is awesome. If I see someone throwing something out, I can just throw it in the back!" That was 15 years ago and I've done that exactly 0 times now lol.

But we get a ton of scrap at my work and cash it in at the end of the year.
yes. a skip. i thaught dumpsters were the things tramps n homeless and smart thinkers got there food from or slept in if called forr.
my friend who's a travller, has a truck with a hihab on the front he collects scrap with, lots of money in that.
i collect any copper aluminium, old cables and any exotic metals if i can. wood, you can pick out old double glazed windows n doors that didn't need replacing, but were changed for new. bonus
ive found antiques and things worth a ton of money. i once pulled out a mobile beer pump and cooling system to to fun days with. but i got rid of it for some milana hash, best swap of my life.

so im hooked, and round here, people are so happy for you to take stuff, as it gives them more space to fill so no paying for a second scip, so my skip diveing saves them a minimum of £90 gbp a time