ok..crazy experimental ideas..may just be revolutionary


Bing!..one morning something popped into my head..hmm..why buy pot, when you can just grow it..soooo...i began growing..(still a noob, but working on my first grow)(not doin too bad, 4 weeks in and 9 babies up to 8 inches)

but then i thought..hmm..most growers are in it for the money..i'm in it for the quality..so i began to think..what if pot tasted better..it already tastes delicious..but what if it were flavored?

After my first grow, I'm going to begin experimentations..what if pot tasted as great as sugar? what if pot had a cinnimon(spelled wrong?) taste to it..here is a list of my rough experimentation ideas..feel free to post more ideas..i'd love to hear them..i want to revolutionize the groing industry :D

-nesquick(strawberry and chocolate)
-mint extract
-growing with mint plant
-growing with different fruits(blueberries, strawberries)
-growing with sugar cane
-rolling joints with filters from camel crush cigarettes

this is just a start..i'll log all ideas in a book..and eventually post them up here..it's going to be a long process, but it may just change the way people grow/smoke from now on..

thanks for reading, input would be great


Well-Known Member
Are you going to feed that stuff to your plant??? Flavor doesn't transfer that way. If anything, shit will make it taste the best, literally.

What exactly is your experiment?

The first grow is always the most exciting... I can feel your enthusiasm through the web browser.


Well-Known Member
you were high when you thought this up huh?
Lol, hilarious. Thanks for the early morning chuckle :)

I have to agree with 561crim on this one. You aren't going to "revolutionize" anything with this "idea". You think if you could impart flavours in plants that way, the commercial produce industry wouldn't have already done it? Come on man, it doesn't work that way.

If you are in fact "in it for the quality", then you can start by providing a good environment, lots of light, good nutrients, and a good growing technique (that usually takes years to develop). That will get you good quality buds. If you want to have minty weed, then grow some mint and mix that in to your joints :P
if you want weed that doesn't taste like weed, then try "tasty puff".. same principle as the camel crush cigarettes, it's just in spray form.. it's pretty horrendous, however

i'm gonna have to be that guy and shit in your cornflakes though, because growing things next to each other doesn't make them taste like each other.. plus i'm not sure how you'd add nesquik or sugar to a grow, but that just sounds like an invitation for pests..


Well-Known Member
Well I know fresh cut flowers will soak up food colouring (i.e add food colour to the water and the flower will suck this up and it will be visible on the flowers petals/stem....sometimes a nice way to change how flowers appear.)

But, not sure how you would get this into weed, it's not like adding cinnamon to your nutes is going to make your plant taste like cinnamon, but my thoughts are that it would be hard to do organically, and what would it add to the stone? Good luck whatever you try.....


Well-Known Member
There is already citrus, berry, grape, and pineapple sweeteners on the market, look into what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
A plant doesn't eat cinnamon...it'll eat whatever minerals and nutrients cinnamon contains. Which I think is nil. You know that cinnamon tastes like very bitter wood w/o sugar...right? As far as actual sugar goes...
SOME of that will get transfered to the plant via carbohydrates...but you'll guarentee that any bug within a half mile will be trying to get to your grow...and in the end your plants WILL NOT taste like sugar. The odds of you overdoing the sugar seem to be great.
Better source of carbs for plants is blackstrap molasses mixed 1 teaspoon to one gallon of water. And no...your plant does not taste like molasses in the end.

You are not getting the whole process of how ANYTHING breaks down food into usable nutrients/carbs. If you ate sugar only for a month and I then cut a slab o'meat from your thigh and ate it...would your leg taste like sugar? No.


i got this idea because of blueberry yum yum..a type of weed that is cross breeded with blueberries..it tasted so amazing..and it almost made me jizz in my pants..my dad used to grow some crazy shit..he told me he grew some crazy fucked up shit one time..(after years of growing and cross breeding and whatnot) and he took a hit of it..next thing he knew he was under a couch paranoid as shit..never smoked weed ever again..gave his entire lab to his friend...he's taught me some tricks i doubt many people know..you don't have to believe me..you dont have to believe in me..but i'll find some way to do this..me swears :) ..and maybe..just maybe..ill teach you guys some crazy awesome things in the future..(this is going to be a hell of a long time before anything goes right though)


Well-Known Member
i got this idea because of blueberry yum yum..a type of weed that is cross breeded with blueberries..it tasted so amazing..and it almost made me jizz in my pants..my dad used to grow some crazy shit..he told me he grew some crazy fucked up shit one time..(after years of growing and cross breeding and whatnot) and he took a hit of it..next thing he knew he was under a couch paranoid as shit..never smoked weed ever again..gave his entire lab to his friend...he's taught me some tricks i doubt many people know..you don't have to believe me..you dont have to believe in me..but i'll find some way to do this..me swears :) ..and maybe..just maybe..ill teach you guys some crazy awesome things in the future..(this is going to be a hell of a long time before anything goes right though)

Blueberry pot is not marijuana bred/crossed with a blueberry plant. Seriously.


Go to a seedbank and look at the myriad of flavors already bred.


That plant was not fed sugar nor was it crossed with sugar cane. Yet it's named Sugar Babe!!!!

Orange, Bubblegum, Strawberry, Mango, Lemon, Sugar, Caramel, Chocolate, Vanilla, Blueberry...there are pot strains with each one of these "flavors" in their name...it is because they kinda taste a little bit like those flavors.


Well-Known Member
Bing!..one morning something popped into my head..hmm..why buy pot, when you can just grow it..soooo...i began growing..(still a noob, but working on my first grow)(not doin too bad, 4 weeks in and 9 babies up to 8 inches)

but then i thought..hmm..most growers are in it for the money..i'm in it for the quality..so i began to think..what if pot tasted better..it already tastes delicious..but what if it were flavored?

After my first grow, I'm going to begin experimentations..what if pot tasted as great as sugar? what if pot had a cinnimon(spelled wrong?) taste to it..here is a list of my rough experimentation ideas..feel free to post more ideas..i'd love to hear them..i want to revolutionize the groing industry :D

-nesquick(strawberry and chocolate)
-mint extract
-growing with mint plant
-growing with different fruits(blueberries, strawberries)
-growing with sugar cane
-rolling joints with filters from camel crush cigarettes

this is just a start..i'll log all ideas in a book..and eventually post them up here..it's going to be a long process, but it may just change the way people grow/smoke from now on..

thanks for reading, input would be great
you can add shit and change colors but you need some type of molasses abs material to try and change the flavor, so add what ever you plan on using with molasses then you should be fine for experiments like i got my buds smelling like grape but not the taste and thats just what i watered it with thats all


Active Member
I've heard of people adding flavoring and or coloring. Not sure if it actually works but the thing is if it does work it's only for that plant and wont be in the DNA for breeding. Much like using molassess or sweetners for flowering to enhance the flavors and aromas, if they were in the DNA then we wouldnt need them cause the plants would have that shit already.

Im all for experiments tho and it doesnt sound like much harm can be done. Maybe one crazy experimnet will lead to something else?


Well-Known Member
i got this idea because of blueberry yum yum..a type of weed that is cross breeded with blueberries..it tasted so amazing..and it almost made me jizz in my pants..my dad used to grow some crazy shit..he told me he grew some crazy fucked up shit one time..(after years of growing and cross breeding and whatnot) and he took a hit of it..next thing he knew he was under a couch paranoid as shit..never smoked weed ever again..gave his entire lab to his friend...he's taught me some tricks i doubt many people know..you don't have to believe me..you dont have to believe in me..but i'll find some way to do this..me swears :) ..and maybe..just maybe..ill teach you guys some crazy awesome things in the future..(this is going to be a hell of a long time before anything goes right though)
Sorry but it isnt possible to cross marijuana with other plants.


Active Member
i got this idea because of blueberry yum yum..a type of weed that is cross breeded with blueberries..it tasted so amazing..and it almost made me jizz in my pants..my dad used to grow some crazy shit..he told me he grew some crazy fucked up shit one time..(after years of growing and cross breeding and whatnot) and he took a hit of it..next thing he knew he was under a couch paranoid as shit..never smoked weed ever again..gave his entire lab to his friend...he's taught me some tricks i doubt many people know..you don't have to believe me..you dont have to believe in me..but i'll find some way to do this..me swears :) ..and maybe..just maybe..ill teach you guys some crazy awesome things in the future..(this is going to be a hell of a long time before anything goes right though)

This guy's dad taught him some tricks, guys! You know, the "under the couch " guy? We'de better listen up for those crazy awesome things he's talking about.


Well-Known Member
This guy's dad taught him some tricks, guys! You know, the "under the couch " guy? We'de better listen up for those crazy awesome things he's talking about.
Which brings me to my next "wtf"?

How does anyone fit UNDER a couch? Every couch I've ever sat on has like 6" of clearance underneath tops.

Is the OP's Dad flat (2D) like a cartoon character that got run over by a steamroller?