Ok, got a new problem, pics included


Well-Known Member
Night before last I see these plants and they are all droopy, leaves, stems, everything. Dirt was dry, so they were watered. Half of them came back up to looking fairly normal within 15 minutes. About an hour later 2 more looked fairly normal as well. But still today there are a couple small ones that just haven't gained back their vigor.

2010-12-22 01.23.21.jpg2010-12-22 01.22.40.jpg2010-12-22 01.22.29.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lift those pots , do they feel has heavy as the others? They look like they need a big drink. Give them a big drink and let them dry out and then another big drink.


Have you been feeding them? Cuz first thing that comes to mind to me is over feeding...but without knowing the specs of your setup hard to say bro...


Well-Known Member
Yea there are slow release fert in the soil, but all the ones that have already grown bigger and placed in a different box did fine with the low levels of fert. I went through and watered them real good, thats when all the other plants responded but these ones. I'm guessing that they might have went too far to bring back?