ok, i have been watering my soil plants with a the old water from my hydro set up!


and they are responding like crazy! how long will this continue? ive done it for three waterings now... and on top of that, i use canna in my hydro and fox farm in my soil... how long can this go on? and if i do have a problem down the line, seeing that this is soil, could i jus flush them and water them with only water for a few times til they get better? i test the ph as well and the run off water and its perfect, again, how long will this last? i figured that i would stop once i switched over to 12/12... what chu guys think? i kno, i dont listen... but i do! everyone says "a plant is a plant" and that outdoor soil plants love old nutes but, dont use them on your babies... well, if a plant is a plant, why cant we use old nutes on soil? in small amounts doe, i forgot to say that first, i water jus a little with regular RO water, then i add 1/2 cup to 1/2 cup of old nutes along with small amounts of big bloom and grow big. introduced each in small amounts then increased more as i went along. so far so good... :shock:


Active Member
i surpose it will continue untill you run out of old water or your plants mess up, it all comes down to what you want to do really but if it was me i would not risk harming them for no reason and stick to what i know, just be careful sbout what your doing/giving them, just my 2cents and dont take it as a lecture im pretty stoned lol


No, thanks bruh. I am not here jus to get folks to agree with me. If its about growing? Then, your openion means a lot to me. Thanks bruh.


Active Member
I would not do that, but good luck to you.. the concentration is wrong for soil, but I am interested keep us updated.


i water with straight water first, then i add some of the diluted mix... i add jus a little bit more strength each time. im going to push the hell outta them til i see them react in a neg way then pull off... lol dont wanna killum dead, jus see what they will do is i broke the rules a lil. das all...