Okay wax heads stop playing give me the real run down best method!!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Dont be a horder let me in on the wax method and not a dab please i want at least a oz method fastest way please the trend seams to be wax know its blowing over like a tidle wave i need to keep my old ass up to date! So please share your method.
OK ... I'm a newb but quick learner. I did my first run of bubble last week and have since done about 25 runs.

What Ive noticed so far is; one of the most important is the strain you use.

I started with Violator Kush, the hash was strong but no bubble, it was a dry hashish.

I then tried Greenhouse seeds Lemon Skunk, this was amazing, the plants are greasy anyhow and the hash produced was very sticky,oily and malleable. It was like a ball of chewing gum, It smelt of sweet lemons and melted with even the slightest heat.. Lemon hash? Yes, a first for me.

I'm soon trying exodus cheese hash and G13 hash.

I used the wet ice/ bubble bag method by Matt Rize.
i need the bto expert fast method were to buy vacuum containers three cfm and water boiling under the wax will it be faster please need input Moebius thankx but the seen right now is WAX their is so many wax heads i need the blowers input WAS BLOWERS PLEASE this shits killing me takes to long!!!!
YOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! HEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!! help a mother xxxker please..... okay well this took me hours i dont like hours i hate hours of no patients give me the runn down!!!!!penut britle he he he!!!.jpg
i need the bto expert fast method were to buy vacuum containers three cfm and water boiling under the wax will it be faster please need input Moebius thankx but the seen right now is WAX their is so many wax heads i need the blowers input WAS BLOWERS PLEASE this shits killing me takes to long!!!!

Dont know much about the method of bto. If I was tryig it though I would lab equipment.

Whats taking so long? Vaping off the butane?

Is 'bto' the same as 'bho'?
ya ma the butane extraction sucks i got the 3 cpm man its fucken hours of non stop heating opening vacing and all kinds of crap i have no PATIENTS Just thought one so proper in this roll it up comunity would come to save the day lolz Moebius thanks thou
BTO, baby!! cn

I'm still ignorant to 'BTO'.

Was it a typo or something Ive missed on my travels? So many acronyms my head is like an alphabetty spaghetti.
almost certain it's BHO.
Thump, there's really no super easy way to do it ime. Best results take best materials and much care taken. cn
bto, baby!! Cn [video=youtube;nciuf8eypqa]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nciuf8eypqa&feature=related[/video]
oh heckkk yes.. Taking care of bussiness every daayyyyyyyieeeeee... Whoooo hooooooowwww ya man thankx cannibeer ow yaaaaa im singing it will i vac it out your right music is the key man thankx
Bto is a shitty band from the 70's..he meant bho... There is a thread on here, very detailed and good on making bho..that is how I learned...it is a messy pain in the ass though..really need an extractor that recycles the butane imo to be worthwhile ...why not dry ice?
because everyone loves the extract from butane i dont know y i dont do the stuff but my first shot beet the store out hear thats known fro their killer ogees and wax but they are from L.A. the budtender from that store helped me but his method was tedias he left me the remain to do at home so i used my own methode hair drier and blast the three cfm non stop but i think the butane has a lot to do with it the first go was 7X and this last run was 5X and i got a head ack from the noise its been three fucken days and no stability im like fuck my head hurts im ready to give up..
ya ma the butane extraction sucks i got the 3 cpm man its fucken hours of non stop heating opening vacing and all kinds of crap i have no PATIENTS Just thought one so proper in this roll it up comunity would come to save the day lolz Moebius thanks thou

You're doing it wrong.

I'm still ignorant to 'BTO'.

Was it a typo or something Ive missed on my travels? So many acronyms my head is like an alphabetty spaghetti.

No, this guys is just a fool, read the way he is typing. No grammar whatsoever. There is. It BTO it's BHO. 3cpm? Really man? Get it together so we can understand wtf your saying.
well thats what happend when i guess you dont stay in school.. peyotereligion i alway thought it was spelled that way.. my bad... but ya i was doing it wrong i burnt it and three days later it was unstable i redid it at thier instructions and it came out well but the type of butane i am comming to a conclusion that it may be also the quality of butane you use.. ow i dont have spell check mabee i should invest in liturature or a high school deploma ow wait im self employed who needs an edjumacation when you can do agricultar and be bad to the fucken bone.... lolz smile im a dick!!!!! ow an a bad speller havent you seen my pic on PETHROE from that classic movie???

You do realize that all internet web browsers offer free spell checkers right?

I'm surprised they didn't teach you that on the jersey shore.
Im a humble king on this side lolz to each their own for shure. you dont like it dont read it.. that easy this is the U.S.A. my friend we come in all colors shapes and sizes... lolz and gramer.... you gota take thump easy ponics my friend. lolz hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahaaaa!!!! okay i had a beer to many lolz ow that pic was random from the net lolz Mwwwwaaaaauuuuuhhhhh!!!!! dont make me post my penis again.. lolz
Dan kone i dont do t.v. man im an old man!!! dont you know??? how it is to garden?View attachment 2249093Big dog you got me confused ???? for a chump kid???? lolz easy growing to you guys im out i aint seen t.v. in ten years my friends lolz jersy shore i dont know anything other than wen i went to the show to see the three stooges i seen the kids my girl friend told me who they were lolz but im shure you got an image of some punk kid im a punk older man SON!!!!

Yeah, not convincing. I still remember the thread where you were bragging about your MMA stuff.

Also, old people don't say "lulz".

well dont believe the hype you know some people rather be lil people in your eyes lolz im a nobody dan kone... i will be free longer to each thier own dan to each thier own..you have tooken an intrest in me.. dont be shoked if i disapear as i alway doo....
Hmm...I keep seeing so many threads where I just get lost in all the back and forth banter that by the time I am done reading I have no idea what the freaking thing was about to begin with ...