Old Guy Checking-In

putrid retch

Active Member
Hiya everyone!! Just saw this site & thought I'd drop in & join up!!:weed:

Been tokin weed [& assorted other drugs since 1969] for 38 yrs & am also a member at another site...but it's all kids talking about how to smoke in their bedrooms without their parents finding out.
Can't relate...I try to hide it from my kid, but he's 16 & knows dad gets blasted on a nightly basis. He doesn't like any sort of dope. Where did I go wrong?:-P
Just kidding...but I'm looking forward to meeting you members. I don't grow [as I live in a retirement/golf community & weed plants would be spotted in a NY minute. Luckily, I have a bunch of pals that grow & they keep me well-stocked. Currently I'm smoking Blue Moonshine, Silver Haze, Super Sour Diesel, Holy Grail, Shishkaberry & Romulan. I love mixing it up, that way you don't get too burnt-out on a particular kind. The Super Sour Diesel is what I'm tokin tonight & I'm well into the stratosphere.
I'm retired, so my day consists of whatever the hell I feel like doing...& that's usually hanging with my family & smoking weed!!bongsmilie
Talk with you all later!!