"Old" newbie here.


Just want to say hello to all the growing family! I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. My last grow was a stealth setup under a 250hps...about 10 years ago. Needless to say I'm a little rusty. My setup now is...
4x2x6 grow tent
6inch Fan/filter from spider farmer inside the tent exhausting out
Sf2000 dimmable led light currently on a 18/6 schedule
I have 3 ladies that just hit the veg stage, all auto's...
Northern lights from ghs
Nerve gas from sofem
Yeti from shortstop
Wish me luck!


Roger that. Well here goes...
Blue is yeti, pink is the nerve gas and purple is the northern lights. About 17 days in from beans straight to soil no transplant. What y'all think? I think they might be a little stunted because I'm have trouble with it being to cold in my tent? I do have a journal with the grow with Jane app. Forgot to mention, I'm going with a organic "no nutes" grow.



Well-Known Member
Why are you running your autos under 18/6? I see alot of people growing them under 20/4 .. im not an auto grower so im sorry if this seems like a noob question..