Old school newby introduction


New Member
Back to personal growing after 35 years hiatus. Starting with some mystery seeds acquired from an old friend of the family suffering from Agent orange exposure. The seeds I found in a milk crate of 70’s phono albums in the middle of a double album set that were gifted to me from his family. Pleasure to join here and get to know everyone. Here is my project grow so far at 65 days, 2 weeks into heavy veg.73D2AF1B-2814-4EAC-8421-04A6693CBAB9.jpeg73D2AF1B-2814-4EAC-8421-04A6693CBAB9.jpeg73D2AF1B-2814-4EAC-8421-04A6693CBAB9.jpeg3DA941D9-AF46-4DBD-8EA5-56DC3AA0BDCD.jpeg348FCEF2-F8CE-4A4F-B485-8A865C286578.jpeg