Old School terms you don't hear anymore. I mean real old


Well-Known Member
Just had a flashback to the days of old when most weed came from mexico, colombia and Hawaii on rare occasions.

you dont hear this anymore. for fun you have anything for us old school fans? Here goes....

Just scored me a 5 finger bag of Acapulco Gold for 20 bills......lol. Youngsters probably don't understand the term?
Dime bag - a lid from where I was. $10 for a 5 finger bag.
Nickel bag - $5
Pinner - the skinniest joint possible brought by your tightest friend.
Dirt weed - shit bud from northern Mexico
Pepper weed - damned good bud often from Michoacan
Dime bag - a lid from where I was. $10 for a 5 finger bag.
Nickel bag - $5
Pinner - the skinniest joint possible brought by your tightest friend.
Dirt weed - shit bud from northern Mexico
Pepper weed - damned good bud often from Michoacan
Hell yes! I read that like we buddies from back in the day. 10 bucks was normal for 5 fingers till true Acupuco Gold set the standard of 20 bucks. your right though on the norm. full of seeds but cleaning it was a chore..
We didn’t have nickel and dime where I am from it was a ‘Scam’ or ‘Deal’ Bag for $20-25 as standard.

Others sold weed in aluminium foil and these were ‘sticks’ or ‘foilies’.

We called joints a ‘one paper’ a ‘two paper’ or a ‘three paper’.

Dirt weed we called that Hay.

Good weed was always thought to be ‘hydro’ and anything outdoor was referred to as ‘bush’.

I always used to shake my head when everyone thought my outdoor was ‘hydro’ and couldn’t be told otherwise.
Hell yes! I read that like we buddies from back in the day. 10 bucks was normal for 5 fingers till true Acupuco Gold set the standard of 20 bucks. your right though on the norm. full of seeds but cleaning it was a chore..
First time I bought a bag in California the guy didn’t want to sell it to me. I was USMC with the haircut. 1969. When he handed it to me I asked how much.


I asked “For this?”

He freaked. “Hell yeah for that, cowboy!”

Told him no problem. I was just asking. He asked how much it would be where I was from and I told him $5.

“Where are you from?”

El Paso.

“Well I’ll just have to go there sometime. That’s a weighed ounce!”

We ended up friends and I got killer acid from him. True Owlsley blotter. Orange Sunshine. And some fantastic chocolate mescaline.
We didn’t have nickel and dime where I am from it was a ‘Scam’ or ‘Deal’ Bag for $20-25 as standard.

Others sold weed in aluminium foil and these were ‘sticks’ or ‘foilies’.

We called joints a ‘one paper’ a ‘two paper’ or a ‘three paper’.

Dirt weed we called that Hay.

Good weed was always thought to be ‘hydro’ and anything outdoor was referred to as ‘bush’.

I always used to shake my head when everyone thought my outdoor was ‘hydro’ and couldn’t be told otherwise.
Aussie then?
Not sure if this is more from my area but a couple come to mind.

2 chip - 2 grams of hash

This isn't weed related, but anyone hear the term ZOT? We rolled up the paper that lined the foil in a cigarette pack, chewed it and made it super wet, then we'd take the foil and create a bowl in the end with a long foil tail to fill with the wet paper. Then you say "zot" and throwit up to stick on the ceiling. Had contests to see which Zot would stay there the longest.
Im a younger guy but a term I never heard until smoking with older people “you hot boxed it” meaning the cherry is too long on the joint or cigarette. I was like nooo it means smoking in a small sealed area! They were like no you’re just young, it is an old school thing.
Some of these may not be that old but I heard these in the early 2000s

Jibba (joint)
Gorilla Finger (fat joint)
Lawtown Brown (Brick weed from Lawrence)
Stavin Joint (big J)
Pie Eyed
Fin (five bag Boston)
Slice (1/8th)
"That weed is drier than a popcorn fart" :bigjoint: