Old Seeds


Well-Known Member
What's up rob, how ya doin today buddy! I'mma just put it out there......... I bought the seed back in 2001 @ the Cannibs Cup. Am I waisting my time?


Well-Known Member
yea squeeze them see if they crack i have seeds from 8 years ago tha still germ then again i keep them in vac sealed bags so...


Well-Known Member
I just started the germination yesterday......... how long do I wait before I say F it? I noticed the seeds got a lil dark, is that a good or bad sign?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but i wanna try somethin different than bag seeds! Since I made it this far, I figured i'd try some strains that are a lil different and then see how i make out! And what's up with using a lil bleach? I've heard that before...... but it don't sound too cool!


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt use any bleach . I have a strain that came from Vietnam back in the early 70s . I got then from an old stoner that had them in his freezer . Dated back to his last grow in 1999 . I got a few to pop and have been 90% female . So IMO old seeds well pop.


Well-Known Member
Also, I am noticing maybe like 6 or 7 pistils growing out of 1 calyax! is that a good or bad sign?


Well-Known Member
dont squeeze , just soak them for a couple hours then use a damp paper towel and a cd case . put it on top of you dvd player and check it everyday. dont let it dry out . In a couple days they should gem and you can plant


Well-Known Member
By the way greendude, I've be using an old direct tv reciever as a heating pad. I'm glad that using my head is helping me make smart decisions. I wasn't sure how good an idea it was till you just told me that. Have you seen my setup?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
in the grow FAQ how can i tell if my bag seed are healthy(gently squeeze if they are dry and crumbely ...ect,ect..) how about that...Rob