Old timey photo of a cannabis garden in Paris

When I was a kid my dad had a big old birdcage in the backyard. There also grew a few big plants with beautiful leaves next to the cage. This was somewhere between 1980 and 1985 in Western Europe. Not that many people knew what a hemp/cannabisplant looked like in those days. One day my uncle was visiting, he recognized it and told us.
The way this picture looks, I'd say some hempseed from the birdfeed dropped from that cage and they just thought it was a really nice plant.
The one on the right behind her is a sub-continent indian Sativa, the one on the left looks a bit indica to me. It's even budding short.

(hopefully by now you've learned not to take me too serious... Cause I have NO idea. really ) LOL!

but the one on the left does look a bit indica though.
Ive got plants from same mother and get sativa leaves and indica leaves on same plant sometimes. Could be durban too. As afterthought or some indian indica. Think leaf structure has more to do with environment. Dont quote me but makes some sense.
Ive got plants from same mother and get sativa leaves and indica leaves on same plant sometimes. Could be durban too. As afterthought or some indian indica. Think leaf structure has more to do with environment. Dont quote me but makes some sense.

I've been curious about this for a LONG LONG time, cause I have seen people call the skinniest leaf looking Sativa an indica and it always made me curious.

Then you have hybrids.... That as you say, can throw different characteristics on different parts of the same plant.
I've been curious about this for a LONG LONG time, cause I have seen people call the skinniest leaf looking Sativa an indica and it always made me curious.

Then you have hybrids.... That as you say, can throw different characteristics on different parts of the same plant.
Ive always believed elevation determins leaf fan width.
Ive always believed elevation determins leaf fan width.

Seen a guy one time back in the early 90's when we first started seeing $15 a gram indica around here. He found a single seed and planted it, grew it under a 300w flood light.

The plant was so freakin weird and dinosaurish it was amazing. It had indica leaves, but, because of the lighting, you could see the individual leaf cells in the leaf, the leaf itself could be "snapped", and was ridgid like a potato chip.

I don't know if he got buds off of it, I don't think so, but, I never seen a plant like that ever. It made me want to get a flood light just to try and duplicate his plant.
Ive got plants from same mother and get sativa leaves and indica leaves on same plant sometimes. Could be durban too. As afterthought or some indian indica. Think leaf structure has more to do with environment. Dont quote me but makes some sense.
I remember babysitting a friends bagseed-miracle mother while he went away for a year or so. When he came back to collect it he was giving me mad stinkeye while looking at her, looked so different he thought I had lost his precious and was trying to pass something else off to him. It took a while for him to accept my LED based VPD monitored environment DWC setup made the same plant grow different from his bags of cheap dirt and 1 year old HPS lamps. lol
I've been curious about this for a LONG LONG time, cause I have seen people call the skinniest leaf looking Sativa an indica and it always made me curious.

Then you have hybrids.... That as you say, can throw different characteristics on different parts of the same plant.
I always thought fat leaves are indica, skinny are sativa. Not sure thats the case now. Hybrids come alond and now my theories are all gone. Ive got a dinosaurish blueberry and am just starting to see potential after growing over a month. Leds were a gamechanger, lm a newb led grower but have adapted my hps to led without much problem.