Omg is my crop wasted????

days to daze

Active Member
ok get this .. i have a vertical grow going on .. 13 plants around 2 600watts..

i have a link in my sig .. photos are on page one at the bottom
but i messed the journal up so ignore that .. its now week 4 flower.. .

the best plant one of the Chronic (the one which flowered first and has the biggest buds) started to look .. well different..
first i noticed what looked like a male flower... so i pulled it off..
and now i notice green bananas in all the buds.. like 6 together .. tiny though .

all the other plants seem fine.. today i lifted up a leaf on one of the popcorn buds to examine these bananas.. and i died.. dust pollen fell from the bud and down to the floor .. i shit bricks..
it must be the same on every bud...
its far to late to move it .. the fans arnt hitting it so its fairly still and shouldnt spread the pollen too much right.. the tent is only 6 by 6 ..

made me so depressed.. i put upwards of 800uk pound into this grow and i dont want to go cutting 2ounce out of it at this stage when it could double right..


whats going to happen
hundreds of seeds? just a few on that plant?
ruined crop? i mean i can still sell it right if i pull out seeds?

any advise would be taken with open arms,,


Well-Known Member

"i got caught guys im done ..
i wont be growing anymore...
think about what your doing guys... you dont want to get caught its not a good feeling.. dont end up like me.
thanks for all your was fun while it lasted."

Whats up with that?


Active Member
Dutch Master Reverse with Penetrator. I have some LSDs outdoors and read that they might have issues with going hermie. I ordered some last week and am waiting for it to arrive so I can insure a seedless crop. If you are already seeing pollen, you might not be able to stop those seeds from forming, but the longer you wait to put it on, the more seeds you will get. In fact, why are you still sitting here reading this, you have reproduction to stop mister!


Your plant hermied. If pollen fell to the floor you can bet the rest of the plants have now been polenated. Your plant that hermied will produce feminized seeds so that could be considered a good thing but the rest of your plants are going to produce mid grade bag weed at best that will have seeds in it.


Well-Known Member
Spray the plant with water, get it soaking wet, then get it the hell out of there. That'll keep any additional pollen from dropping off the bananas, or at least keep it minimal.


Active Member
If they hermied on there own without any type of extra stress you dont want the seeds from it as they will hermi too.