? on nute burn


Active Member
so if my plants have little brown spots because of nute burn, if i just leave them and keep an eye on them will they be fine or will they die? like do i have to fluch the rez out or will they just be like this for a few days than get better? its not bad really just little little spots thanks guys!!!!


Active Member
please someone!!! i gotta go to work for ten hours right when i wake up so if this is gonna be a problem i wana know so i dont come home to dead plants!!!!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Can you just dilute the reservoir or something?
bring down the ppm a little bit...I haven't done hydro but seems to me that would help.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
i read in hydro that a mistake can happen faster then if in soil but can be rectified quicker too. Number one PH needs to be right 6.5 there about. Every point higher you go on your PH ='s times 10 to your plant. Brown spots are her way of telling you she has a nute lock out or deficiency. Flush them with 3 times the amount of water you normally use. Better have the Ph right and then feed them b-1 to help recover for shock then when you feed them again do it half strength and work your way up. Like 500 ppm to 850ppm
wait 24 hour and see if they are lacking if the ph is right the nutes are available if they are in there?

might want to copy and paste this into a notepad in your RIU.

Quick Deficiency Guide
Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves
are yellow; growth is stunted....

Phosphorous: Entire plant is bluish-green, often developing
a red or purpleish cast; lower leaves may be yellow, drying
to a greenish-brown to black color; growth may be stunted...
Potassium: Leaves have a papery appearance; dead areas along
the edges of leaves; growth is stunted...

Magnesium: Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and
margin and between the veins; the lower leaves wilt...
Calcium: Young stems and new leaves die...

Zinc: Leaf tissue between the veins is lighter in color;
yellowed; papery in appearance...

Iron: Leaf tissue appears yellow, while the veins remain

Copper: Leaf edges appear dark green or blue; leaf edges
curl upward; young leaves permanently wilt...
Sulfur: Young leaves turn pale green, while the older leaves
remain green; plant is stunted and spindly...

Mananese: Growth is stunted; lower leaves have a checkered
pattern of yellow and green...

Molybdenum: Leaves are stunted, pale green, and malformed...
Boron: Young leaves are scorched at tips and margins...



Well-Known Member
Yo boss look at my journal I had spots an remedy'd by flushing my rez and then sitting them in distilled water for 2 days then giving them 1/4 str nutes. Havent had dem brown spots in weeks


Active Member
awesome baxta thankjs im about to go to the store and get some new water!! so your spots went away completely?


Active Member
ok well flushed the rez out wiped it down and got some jsut plain old distilled in there hopefully it goes away soon here, and miked two new gallons up wit just a 1/4 to get it back on track. should i do 1/4 tab for a week, than up it a litle or what? also for root rot like my roots are light brown, not bright white like they should be is there a trick to get rid of it or am i fucked?

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Distilled water (the ones I tested with a meter) is 7 ph 5 points higher then recommended. White vinegar will lower the Ph in the water. get a meter you will be so happy you did. Like a Dr and an X-ray... Remember 5 points is 5 times the alkalinity she can access the nutes. 6.5 ph

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
ok well flushed the rez out wiped it down and got some jsut plain old distilled in there hopefully it goes away soon here, and miked two new gallons up wit just a 1/4 to get it back on track. should i do 1/4 tab for a week, than up it a litle or what? also for root rot like my roots are light brown, not bright white like they should be is there a trick to get rid of it or am i fucked?
Some hydrogen peroxide will help, also keeping your reservoir temps around 67