when life sucker punches you...you grab onto to what ever there is that's in reach... more often then not its religion...one time myself and a friend were in the ocean the current took us far enough out, that people on shore looked like ants...I freaked out,and almost drowned...I saw my friend as the only thing to grab onto push him down to keep me up... you think of nothing but saving your own life...that's why life guards throw devices to you and life has also sucker punched me I grabbed on to the god thing also... that's what was in my reach so I grabbed... and I grabbed hard and tight...but I learned many things since then...there is no diety looking to be worshiped or obeyed...I most likely would have grabbed a human friend if there was one around at the time
using your example:
suppose before your ocean excursion, someone had told you to put on a life vest because it could save your life if the current pulls you too far out. you think it foolish to wear it as it will impede your experience of the ocean so you refuse it. as you are already aware, in that moment of near-drowning, you were willing to grab on to anything to save your life--even at the expense of your friend's life--and probably wished you had a life jacket. that is what Jesus Christ is: He is your life vest. now is the time to put Him on. James 4:14 ...for what is your life? it is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
there is a Creator. creation itself declares it. Psalm 19:1. Romans 1:20 says that His invisible attributes are clearly seen since the creation of the world so that no one is without excuse. Psalm 14:1 says a fool has said in his heart there is no God.
the Bible says there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for another. John 15:3 we know this is definitely true--we hear last Father's Day of a man who lost his life trying to save his son who was drowning, along with the son's older friend who also tried to save the young boy; all three died. that father showed the ultimate expression of love in trying to save his son and the other young boy.
just as that father was willing to do for his child, our Creator was willing to die for His creation. as hard as it is to believe there is a God, it takes more faith to believe there isn't a God. the original curse in the Garden explains the evils of this world. it explains the slow death we are all experiencing. Hebrews 9:27 states that it is appointed unto man to die, and after that judgment.
that's why 1 Peter 5:8 says our adversary (Satan in Hebrew) prowls around like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour. that's why Ephesians 6:16-17 speaks of putting on the whole armor of God. because we have an enemy who is seeking to destroy us. there is a supernatural world, whether we want to believe it or not.
...so what makes me believe in God? Creation. The Bible/Prophecy. DNA. Mathematics. Love.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. if you're reading this thread, you should consider He is knocking...answer it.
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