Ona Block Question


Ok bit of a strange question i think.

I have a carbon filter, it came with the grow room as a kit, the room is 1x1x1 meters (roughly 3 feet square). I also purchased an ona block and i thought i would test the carbon filter with it. The smell of the ona block came straight through the filter. I thought this was a problem with the filter so i purchased a slightly bigger one with a new fan and the smell still comes through.

Is this normal? The entire system is sealed with aluminium tape and i've double checked there are no leaks. Are the ona blocks designed to do this or have i purchased two bad filters (both were purchased from a reputable dealer and are branded).
I keep carbon filters at the end of my chain and push air through them. I keep ona and things like ozone next to the carbon filter to catch any weed smell that might make it past the carbon. If your keeping the ona block in the tent you are just clogging your carbon with good smells.


I keep carbon filters at the end of my chain and push air through them. I keep ona and things like ozone next to the carbon filter to catch any weed smell that might make it past the carbon. If your keeping the ona block in the tent you are just clogging your carbon with good smells.
As i said i was just testing the carbon filter to see if it filtered the smell, it does not filter the ona block smell so is my filter broken or is the ona bock designed to allow the smell through the filter? I am not going to leave the ona block in i just needed something smelly to test the carbon filter.

What i'm saying here is that i have used two filters and neither filters the smell of the block. So if i grow marijuana in the tent then will it filter the smell of marijuana or not? Are the marijuana molecules larger and so get caught in the filter or is my filter just broken?
Carbon filters aren't 100% IMO, the filter that came with your all in one setup isn't oversize I'm sure. It's probly the bare minimum. Just like you my first filter was a small 4x19" htg, it sucked. The most it would do is late veg odor. Next it tired a 6x24 phat filter it worked alot better. The next filter I bought was a 8x39" phat filter and this thing crushes the 4x19 even in a small tent. The reason I believe is that the small filters don't have a thick enough bed of carbon for enough contact time. Even still I think a Fresh 8x39 would let a tiny amount of a fresh ona block smell through. Thats why people use layers of smell protection. I would look into a cap ozn-1 if odor is one of your main concerns.


Active Member
I'm a month into flower and I thought I'd need a better odor control system by now, but my $15 hamilton beach "trueair" activated carbon filter from walmart just keeps on trucking. I also tied up a half a panty-hose leg with some activated carbon from the aquarium aisle and then tied that next to my oscilating fan. So far so good, but if I turn off that hamilton beach filter for a couple hours the entire house smells skunky. I wouldn't be surprised if I needed a better solution in a few weeks but I AM surprised that this ghetto rig has lasted me a month into flower already.


Active Member
As per your questions, Sorry Moonlight, "Is your filter broken"? Well I dun'no. How do you know you're picking up the scent from the filter and not directly from the ona block?


As per your questions, Sorry Moonlight, "Is your filter broken"? Well I dun'no. How do you know you're picking up the scent from the filter and not directly from the ona block?
Because the room has negative pressure but it's easy to find out because i just hold the outlet to my nose and take a sniff. I've used two seperate filters, the second larger than the first and it just doesn't seem to filter out the smell of the ona block. I'm just wondering if this is supposed to happen, by that i mean is the ona block designed to bypass carbon filters? The room is only 1x1x1 meters and the filter is rated for a room 3 times that size.


Active Member
I like to just take a small dime sized chunk of ona and stick it in my exhaust line exiting the window the odor is pretty faint once it gets to the street and there is no weed smell.