Ona Jel?? (+rep)

collective gardener

Well-Known Member

We've tried the Ona Gels in the main grow room with little success. I've found that nothing beats more more MORE carbon filtration. We do, however, use the Ona dispenser in our warehouse area that is outside the grow room to handle any odor leaks from the grow room built inside the main warehouse. For this, they work quite well. They make no noise and can be hidden behind a toolbox or something. This way we can control odor in a public area without having a 48" carbon filter and vortex fan hung from the cieling!


Well-Known Member
Be aware of carbon filters and do your reasearch. Ona gel will not cover up a grow. I have ran carbon filters and still house stunk like skunk. Somethin I did not know about carb filters before is that you need too know what cfm rating they are cause if you suck air fast through filt. then the carbon cant keep up so keep that in mind.


Active Member
Thanks alot guys, i am planning to use a Ona gel as a secondary odor control method alongside my diy carbon filter thanks again