once again YELLOW in early flower!!!


Active Member
Ok growers I'm in day 23 of flower things are going fine just once again like always I'm getting yellow in early stages of flower I understand this is a natural faze the plant goes through but it's way to early for this to be happening were am I going wrong the nutrients are there I feed,water,water,feed and everything is always fine untile 2 to 3 week into flower my garden just starts to go yellow on me and I don't understand why any help plz....



Well-Known Member
That's pretty minimal yellowing. PH in your soil can change as you progress into flowering, perhaps do a gentle flush when you begin flowering, sort of reset it all, then go forward with more bloom feeding. Also maybe look at your container size and see if you might need a little more soil.

But you do want to allow the yellowing to happen, to an extent. The fan leaves just need to carry you through budding, and you got less than 7 weeks to go. Some strains/phenos draw more nutrition from those fan leaves than other strains/phenos.


Active Member
I do understand that all strains uptake nutes different so does that mean with this strain in future reference I should give them a heavier shot of nitrogen base and also while in flower should I be raising,lowering or keeping my ph about the same in a soil grow using roots organics original


Well-Known Member
You should give them a dose of nitrogen, but pull back once you start budding. They shed leaves, too...buds are forming, which means the plant canopy is filling in and light becomes a premium on lower or interior branches and bud sites. I think they look really healthy, imo.


Well-Known Member
What is the NPK numbers for your nutes. It looks like you need a little more N to me. This has happen to me in the past. Then I learned to continue with grow/veg nutes until the plants stop stretching. Then I SLOWLY decrease the grow/veg nutes and increase the bloom nutes to replace them. It's a common thing and most nute charts don't take it into account. As the plant stretches and it adds on leaves at each node. Those leaves need N and most bloom products don't allow enough for it. Another tip would be don't switch to HPS until the stretch is finished also.


Well-Known Member
One of two things is going on with those plants. Either you've over ferted them, or they are doing what this plant always does when it's been flowering for a while which is die naturally. It's hard to determine which, but I don't think more fert of any kind is necessary. You have really good bud production; a lot of people would love to have that. Flowering for 23 days isn't real long, so I'm wondering if you've given too much fert. It would help if you would discuss more concerning the conditions, what fert, how much do you use, you say feed, water, water, feed, but exactly how often do you feed? Once a week or what?


Well-Known Member
You have good bud production but your under feeding I would hit them with some nitrogen until 3rd week after stretch I don't believe in feeding charts give plant what it asks for.


Well-Known Member
Veg nutes until about 3 weeks into flowering. Bloom nutes cannot meet the metabolic demand for nitrogen. Jdubb is right about watching the plant and responding to what you see on her and not a feeding schedule. You'll get it down.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What do you feed ??
Feed, water, water, feed eh?

You got 3 guys correct here.......If you started the use of "bloom" nutes right at the flip.......It's to much P&K too early...
The high P&K are like "blocking" some N uptake.....
NO bloom foods till week 3 or until bud "set"....

Flush soil? What ever for? Jorge is wrong!
Don't flush soil! EVER.....
The roots will stay wet a lot longer. That can cause all sorts of problems.
It does keep the plant in a bad pH range too long and that will begin more and differing lockouts......Flushing has more negative potential then good!


Active Member
What's up guys well thanks for all the input much appreciated and Goldberg I am using general hydroponics flora series so I would imagine if I were going to give a higher shot of N I would want to use flora micro 5-0-1 and also I feel kinda like an idiot I went back to my books and I don't know how I lost track but this grow is actually coming up on week five lol and Dr.who I would say I normally give them a nute mix once a week I'd say given I water with nutes let soil dry for 1-2 then follow up with water let soil dry1-2 water again let soil dry 1-2 then repeat the process at at a ph of between 6.0-6.5 and also I do believe I started with bloom nutes right from the get go wich I will not be doing my next run and I usually go 1/4,1/2, strength feeding untile flower.....
also could some of these issues come from under watering I have been really busy with my work schedule the past 2 weeks and on a few accasions when I went to water I did have droopy leaves and me not knowing how far along into flower I was already I did some lollipoping the other day and I think that really slowed them down...I would have never done that if I known were I was at in flower already but you live and learn I guess lol


Well-Known Member
Yes droopy leaves from wilting can cause them to yellow. Think of the leaves as solar panels. They collect the energy from the sun and store nutrients. Without water this doesn't work. When the plants dry out or don't have enough food the plant starts taking what it needs from the leaves. Since there's nothing to replace it when the N gets low the green is gone and larger leaves will be used up first. If it's not corrected smaller leaves will be next. After that death isn't far behind.