One Big Flower Room or Several Small Ones


Active Member
Do you think it is smarter to have one large flower room with 6000 watts or 3 smaller rooms with 2000 watts each? I would be using a combination of 400,600, and 1000 watt lights so could be creative with light placement in 3 individual rooms.

I like the idea of having one big room because the initial cost is less. I would need to buy more fans, timers, temp/CO2/humidity controllers, and various other items if I had individual rooms.

It would be nice to have 3 rooms as each would be independent if one should have a problem with equipment or the plants. Also I could experiment with 3 concepts at once. I have always wanted to go vertical.

Also do you think I would see an increase or decrease in yield. Any comments or suggestions would be helpful.


Well-Known Member
If you can, split the one big flower room into two smaller ones. This way you can use a flip-flop. A flip-flop allows you to use two lights on one ballast. One room is on its light cycle, while the other is on its dark. Say Room A is on its light cycle, and Room B is on its dark. At noon, Room A's lights go off, a B's go on, and then at midnight, A's go back on and B's go off. So the light and dark cycles of the two rooms alternate. This will reduce the risk of a noticeable power signuature, and you cut your ballast costs in half :bigjoint:
