One Complete Answer to BHO Vape Juice?


Well-Known Member

Ive been off the board for a bit working on everything and I am looking at venturing into my next step. I want to make a small batch of vape juice (e-juice) using BHO (Butane Honey Oil). I have had limited experience with BHO. I Have attempted it twice using quality bud and also using left over trimmings and had various results of success, mostly limited to yield. Though my experience is limited I am completely and fully aware of the safety and respect needed for the process of BHO.

With that said, I have been digging on the web for couple weeks and I cannot find a clear answer on a proper method to use BHO in vape juice. I have seen videos that state that you just place one gram into one oz of juice and shake it up over the course of a few days (warm water bath for bottle helps). I have seen other articles that state that you have to use some orange extract (the name escapes me) to dissolve the BHO into a liquid form, then add to the vape juice mix. I have seen other videos that "carbolize" the weed and let it sit in a mixture for 3 hours (shaking every 15-20 mins) and then strain, but this produces a dark green juice and im looking for something more pure (something at least translucent, but does not have to be clear)

I have about 1/4 oz of Blue Dream to work with, so I am limiting myself to a small run to test. I understand with that small amount of leaf, I may only extract 1-2 grams of BHO but that is all I am needing currently to test and learn.

So I ask the community, for what I am planning, what is the best way or suggested way to go about this? I do have the required supplies and hardware for both making vape juice and BHO, so if there is another item required or different process I would be happy to learn from the communities experience.

Thank you again for all your help in teaching me.
Melt the BHO on a coffee warmer, add in some EJ Mix or other PEG (I use one drop/ml of oil), mix well. Add in PG to desired level (I do 2 ml/ml of oil), Mix well.

Thank you for the info.

I am little ignorant to what PEG or
Polyethylene Glycol actually is. I do have Vegetable Glycol (VG) and Propylene Glycol (PG) in supply. Is PEG and PG the same family or completely different stuff? What are the differences?

I was able to google EJ Mix and find it available.
BHO = butane hash oil not butane honey oil. EJ mix isn't healthy I wouldn't advise using it.
What would you advise using to suspend it then?

And I've seen BHO both ways it's just different diction or nomenclature if you will.. Same shit different diaper
In your experience it doesn't fall out of suspension with just vg? Can you give a brief tech on how you make it, thanks!
My girlfriends friends make this stuff I just have a dab accessory for my epen and hit dabs of actual rosin out of it , can't tell you exact formula but I know for a fact these two hippy vegan girls told me EJ mix isn't healthy because they started using that and stopped because they read an article about the adverse health effects ( think they said its cancer causing but not sure). I know they were using VG and it stayed good for months I still have a pen they gave me like 3 months ago and its still good.
Dang thought we were onto something there, I used pg under the assumption that vg from all my research would lead to an inferior product. I'll still stick to my guns on it as my batch came out ideal for me... Get those hippy chicks on here!
Dang thought we were onto something there, I used pg under the assumption that vg from all my research would lead to an inferior product. I'll still stick to my guns on it as my batch came out ideal for me... Get those hippy chicks on here!
Pretty sure using PG is standard but can be unhealthy, doesn't it have a funky plastic type taste?
You're thinking of PEG for the plastic taste both vg and pg are sweet in taste, don't think the average person could pick out the difference in a blind test. The peg in ej mix or vapeure is used in aiding suspension and they range in molecular weight from 200-400 in those mixes that's proprietary info they won't release. But used sparingly to suspend the BHO and then mixed with vg from my understanding is the ideal method. Not only for ease but also longevity and quality. Other members can attest to this, at least those who have done the process not just a friend of a friend kinda setup:wink:
Not to start a battle... And nothing we inhale other than air is good for us. But as a pretty darn bright person who is vaping vs smoking in his quest to be nic free, the jury it still out. More stuff is pointing to dangers with VG than PG, but that is do to the high power being used to get mammoth clouds. And much of the research has beeen faulty in its methodology (ie dry hitting an atomizer at high voltage). Still, while I know it is bad, the science has yet to show it.

A couple hippie chicks saying VG is better than PG doesn't make it so. And PEG, totally unknown as it is not used in normal ecig juices. It does taste bad, thus why I only use EJ Mix in very small ratios. PG doesn't taste bad, at least not to me.

But I would be hugely curious how they are making an ejuice with VG (you spoke of e-dabbing vs vaping). So maybe that is something not in suspension.... I have tried and cannot figure out how to use VG and keep it together. You can make VG tinctures but they are not concentrated enough for vaping.

IF I even put my juice in a tank that had a VG juice in it prior, it immediately separates...

When it comes to weed, there are few things I consider myself close to expert at, beyond consuming it. But when it comes to taking an oil (I make QWET) and turning it into E-Juice without a bunch of expensive equipment, I am pretty close. And thus far, VG bad straight up. I'd love to be able to use it and always happy to be proven wrong. No ego, its just that I see stuff pop up every so often about using VG and it never goes anywhere tangible.

I've always wanted to have a huge amount of kief and see what happens in a crock put over a day on warm with a relatively small amount of VG. Maybe it would work. But evem the use of real homogenizers (SkunkLabs) did not create a long term suspended product using VG for a normal ejuice....
...sparingly to suspend the BHO and then mixed with vg from my understanding isn't the ideal method. Not only for ease but also longevity and quality..
That slip up on saying vg is the ideal method, when is meant to say it isn't made me quote myself for the first time..

We should be able to edit until they shut down the internet, and I should put down this vape more often!
Well, just as a quick update. I did make up a small batch using the Blue dream and while I only had a small amount of BHO wax, the results were nice.

But as another question has raised its head and I am looking for clarification.

In a quest to better my skills in making vape, I talked to a friend to get me some shatter, since I did not have any leaf on me anymore. Of course this was a friend of a friend kinda thing, and I was able to get some shatter at $50/gram. Though I was amazed that the shatter was very very dark in color. When I asked, my friend stated that it was a CO2 extraction. I was not sure but I continued anyways.

I made a 1oz bottle using 1 gram of the shatter and while it did come out to a nice medication strength (not a hit and quit strength, but a very good all day mello puff with good body buzz), I have questions.

I know the biggest problem is separation. If I heat it up, it blends together very well, but once it has been sitting out for a few hours, I will get a dark brown ring on the top of the fluid line around the bottle, but everything under that will be a nice clear yellowish color.

What is that brown ring? Is that the active THC? Is that impurities from the dark shatter?

Once I have my own leaf again, I will attempt going through my own steps to make BHO and Shatter and see if I get cleaner shatter, but wanted to know your opinion on what this "ring" is.

Again, thank you all for your input and help.