one last cool tube DIY question


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Would a 3 1/2 inch glass tube exceed 180 degrees if the bulb was centered? I'm planning on using foil tape on the ends and hot water pipe insulation to get it up to 4", but I don't want it to catch fire or melt or something.

Thanks! :fire:


Fire is probably out of the question(i did say probably!) But 180 degrees is unlikely, im assumeing you mean to flare it to add a 4" fan on to it? Cause with a fan she sould stay pretty cool in a cool tube.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Fire is probably out of the question(i did say probably!) But 180 degrees is unlikely, im assumeing you mean to flare it to add a 4" fan on to it? Cause with a fan she sould stay pretty cool in a cool tube.
Actually flaring it to a 4 inch carbon intake (DIY) and I have a 4"-6" on the other end. I assumed it wouldn't get that hot running a 6" fan for a 400W hps but better to ask than not.


Well-Known Member
@ 400W If your fan fails and the air doesnt move it could be possible to hit 180 F. doubt it would hit 180 C


Legal Moderator, Esq.
@ 400W If your fan fails and the air doesnt move it could be possible to hit 180 F. doubt it would hit 180 C
They will be tied into the same electrical system so if the fan fails chances are lights will go out. I'm going to have a secondary fan set up also just not as strong.


Well-Known Member
If your going to run two fans why not put the carbon filter on the second so your cool tube can draw from outside the room & exhaust outside the room? I find its much more efficient.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
If your going to run two fans why not put the carbon filter on the second so your cool tube can draw from outside the room & exhaust outside the room? I find its much more efficient.
It goes fan->duct->filter->cool tube->duct->fan exhaust. I'm not running a tent so with the constraints I have this is the easiest way to do it. Right now the intake is a 20 foot duct with a fan at the top.


Well-Known Member
ah yes constraints are always the problem.
Try to use as much solid ducting as possible, with a long run it will make a difference.