i really dont know what to do so im gonna ask you guys to see what you have to say or see your opinions! so this summer i showed 2 of my close friends my garden that was pretty far from my house hidden off nice in the woods because i just wanted to show them how big they were and one of them showed me his plants that were even bigger then mine i had about 20 or so me and my friends all summer told each other about are grows and helped each other with stuff! we made each other a promise not to even think about stealing each others crop and i wasnt worried about what so ever because i was pretty good friends with this kid! so i went out to my spot yesterday to water and all my plants were pulled nothing left what so ever so i looked on the walkway far from the entrance i saw some kind of boot prints! whoever it was.. was on a mission to get my plants and leave plain and simple! so i decided to not tell anyone what happened and i was gonna see who was lying and who was sketched out when i hung out with them so i called and we hung out they were definitly different then usual so i suspect them but they were with there friends also so i want to get them back or figure out who exactly stole them and what do you guys think i should do as retaliation! take his crop? kick the shit out of him! slash his tires ? thanks again! and to anybody who worked hard and got there crop stolen i know how it feals!