One Plant Grow Lighting

I have only one plant that is flowering and I need to know what bulbs i need to use, right now i have 2 plant&aquarium lights at 40 watts a piece (80watts) I'm sure this may not be enough to harvest but what should i use that is cheap for just one plant, and can whatever light i get fit in a normal lamp socket? I'm afraid to buy something that won't fit or I have to by a fixture specifically for it. I dont wanna spend a bunch of money just to finish off my first plant. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! I saw a 150watt HPS and a 250 HPS but do the medium sized ones fit in a regular lamp?:-(. I just wanna get this plant ready for fuck sake!:wall:


Well-Known Member
You can use cfl 2700k sepctrum. I would use the 23-42 watters around 6-10 of them to get full coverage around the plant. The 150 and 250w HPS do no fit standard household sockets. You can pick up a HPS 150-400w for around 150 bucks. CFL will cost you about 50-80$
Only one CFL? for 50-80? I'm trying to go cheap. I'm flowering this plant soooo slowly it seems (but its my first time) It smells great and there are several buds on it.


Active Member
if you live in the us go to homedepot and buy 2 68watt 2600k cfls. they're 15 bucks each and will get you through flowering fasho