One Year Anniversary!


Active Member
I came here about one year ago today looking for info. I had grown plants in the past, but knew nothing about hydro and lots of other specifics. Within 5 days of finding this forum I had gutted out the inside of an old fridge and started browsing the hydro shops. By the end of the week I was all set up with a vented 250 watt HPS and a Bubbleponics system. My first Lowlife AK47 seeds sprouted New Years day. I had planted 6 and got 2 males. One male I kept for it's pollen. I snipped it down until it was just some pollen sacks on a stick so it wouldn't take up much space. I have since learned that I can only grow two plants at once or they start stretching like crazy which defeats the whole purpose of growing autos in a fridge.
I hand pollinated one of my ladies and now I have about 150 auto AK47 seeds that so far have a 100% germination rate. I planned to do this with my current auto blueberry kush plants, but I didn't get any males. Instead I've got too many ladies and have already thrown two of them out. Seeds are a crap shoot unless you get them feminized. On my next grow I'm going to try coloidal silver to make fem seeds.

Here are some things I've learned this year from trial and error.

1.) Don't buy that Bubbleponics set up if you already have a clue about hydro. You can build your own for about 1/10th the price. If you have no idea what you are doing this is actually a pretty good set up to get up and running real fast. And for the price it's probably a lot cheaper than taking a growing class.

2.) I started using Fox Farm stuff. Yuck. The little black flies went nuts when they got a whiff of that brown sludge and set up a colony in my fridge. They spent most of their time under the cover crawling around on the roots. I switched over to the IONIC brand and the flies are gone. No more brown sludge to dump out either. Much better.

3.) I've been using a splash of Super Thrive in each tank along with the nutes. Don't know if it's making a difference.

4.) You need a fan in there blowing the air around. One of my grows was a Northern Lights plant which I had to bend and tie down because it was getting too tall. The main cola grew horizontally and turned into a massive beast. Little did I know that it was rotting from the inside out. It was the biggest bud I've grown yet. Probably over two ounces but I easily threw more than half in the trash due to the mold.

5.) I bought a PH meter and use it, but don't have one for PPM or anything else. Don't really see the need unless i had some weird problem to try and diagnose. I've learned that the plants will pretty much do their thing without me staring at them or checking their PH level every few hours. When I do my weekly water change I start by bringing the PH to around 5.4 and during the week it tends to creep up to around 6.2.

6.) Don't worry about buying seeds online. If in the rare event your package is seized by customs you will receive a letter in the mail telling you that found contraband and that you can come get it or it will be destroyed. I've never heard of anyone who went to get it, but I imagine it wouldn't go well.

7.) Probably the most important thing I've learned is that even with some of the best weed you can grow a tolerance to it if it's all you smoke for a year. This is why I've switched over to Blueberry. If you have the space it's best to grow a variety if you plan to smoke it all day long.

I can't think of any more lessons right now because I'm so damn high.


Well-Known Member
Congratz to u! Ive been here a few months and have changed everything about my grow. Cheers to us!