Online horticulture degree?


Well-Known Member
So id like to go to college but I work full time and have bills so id like to go online, like yo get a bachelors of science in horticulture anyone heard of any online horticulture schools other than osu?


Well-Known Member
A quick google search yielded a huge list including
Strayer U
Oregon State
Ashworth College
Colorado State
Texas Tech

Looks like you have a choice of some pretty good centers of learning. I guess the real fun begins researching which one fits your budget and time constraints.
What did you plan to do with your degree?


Well-Known Member
I found oregon state amd texas tech and ive searched google for like a week so thank you! Id like use it in the mmj indusrry but if not I currently work for a pretty huge potatoe grower id like to do soil tests and thimgs like that.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in a greemhouse, litteraly since I could walk plants in general are what I enjoy and Id like to know more.