Online Shopping Grow Room - Input Please


Well-Known Member
Hey Hey,

starting again. Been 8 or more years since i did it last. I was always a dirtbag (soil grower) but think im going hydro. I have had 2 successful soil grows. Leaning to hydro because of a couple reasons - no root bound, unless your tub is too small - and they always have the right amount of water (no guessing everyday).

picking up items here and there.

Got one of those aerogardens as a gift. Its working out well for sprouts, and probably will be good for clones.

Seeds -
Nirvana Indoor Mix - sent the order to Seed Boutique (Gypsy Nirvan) - fingers crossed... (Skunk#1, Afghan, master kush, pure power plant, Nirvana Special)

Picked up 5 pack of Fox Farm goodies today - they didnt have the rinse, and they (hydro salesman) said just to use straight water.
Big Bloom
Grow Big
Tiger Bloom
Open sesame
Cha Ching
i'll follow the feeding schedule Fox Farm provided (unless anyone has a good reason otherwise).

Containers -
10 Gallon Drip System
A 6 plant drip system - for flowering
My wife wants me to buy everything - she knows i am no carpenter.

High Tech Garden Supply
everyones favorite... probably my only flowering light.

Black/White plastic -
eBay Express: BLACK & WHITE PLASTIC SHEATHING 4 mil 10' x 1' foot
gonna use it seperate my veg from flower - and probably to protect the walls (mold and all that).

Vent -
The room im in has a ceiling vent already - ill probably buy a bathroom fan from Home Depot, a little venting shaft, and a hepa filter to make my own "carbon filter" thingy....

So, sprout/root in aerogarden (seeds/clones) 4-6 weeks - move to flowering chamber 8-9 weeks -

if you have a better suggestion for something let me know and link it...
Thanks y'all!


Well-Known Member
Hi free, remember when your planing the feet of black white plastic to seperate veg and grow you will have to use twice the length so you have white on both sides to reflect the light.
I taped them together at the top and then put grommets through. During the over lap, when both flowering and vegging lights are on just push the curtian open.


Well-Known Member

How do you deal with moving clones/sprouts that are growing in 1'' net pots (in aerogarden) to a 3'' net pot for flowering? I doubt the roots will just slide out of the 1'' and into the 3''. Can you drop the whole 1'' net pot inside the 3'', or is there a better way?

I dont mind destroying the 1'' net pots to get them out.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I was waiting for that question. :blsmoke:

I think you'll find that your aerogarden net pots will be overflowing with roots sticking out. Those won't easily go into something bigger without messing them up some. I guess you'll end up having to transplant very quickly.


Well-Known Member
I was waiting to see if someone had done this and what thier results were. The hydro shop I visit has display out all the time and I believe they use rock wool cubes to 3" pots for just that reason.


Well-Known Member
if i use hydro im going to use the 8 plant hydro set.. it looks like it is make well. and im goin gto have 8 clones grow in those ther 2 gallon tubs... with a 100 gallon res or sumthing... so i could grow from clone to harvest