Only bottom nodes infected


On 4/18/2013 I put four plants into the ground outdoor. The temperature is at a 80-90 degrees and the soil is fox farm ocean forest mixed with Whitney farm organics, some perlite, and native soil. I heavily fed after transplant with tea that I bubbled containing molasses, worm castings, and guano. The ph is 7 and the ground therm says its moist-dry. Only one plant looks lime and about 5 of the bottom nodes look like this. Any ideas? Advice appreciated and thanks for reading.



It's happening only on the nodes that have been there for a few weeks though? It's purple around the edges and wilting..should I just clone them?


Active Member
They look fine- maybe a little Cal-Mag issue- but nothing severe enough to pull the plants..

IMO- get some neutral mulch around the plants to retain moisture... but do not feed again for a while-- You say you fed heavily-- THAT could be an issue if you used ocean forest- since that feeds them as well!!!

Give em some Cal-mag in their water next watering-- remember to water deep--it will take several waterings since you need to wait for it to soak in-- but the water needs to go deeper than the rootbal to encourage deep root growth-- shallow roots will not support or encourage big bud growth! ;)


Lol good I thought I was going crazy when people were telling me it was fine, I thought it was a calcium problem so I crushed a few eggshells and sifted it through the dirt. Thanks for the advice lady! Any suggestions on products for the cal mag?