Open show an tell2021.


Well-Known Member
Just getting thawed here, Got some Ethos Diamond xR2 Fems rocking for my first round of Depo harvest late june. I will be running R2 x bubblegum in the green house full term. I made that cross last summer it ran very well this winter,IMG_2715.JPGIMG_2712.JPGIMG_2714.JPGIMG_2646.JPGBeen a nice easy winter here pup growing fast. Think iam going to need to hook chains to the stumps rip out with ATV. Happy growing!!!
Looking good Thumper. I had a crazy cold winter here. We had 17 frosts before Christmas, when 2-3 is the normal number. I had to hold my 2nd round of spring crop under glass much longer than I like. The 1st round all froze.

As normal, I had a few too early too late sprouts that will have to decide which crop they belong too. Not quite sexually mature yet, so will be touch and go to finish before reveg. Some Sour Wreck Grab Bag seeds, so wouldn't mind at least one male in the bunch. My only SWGB got hurricaned, so never had one finish, but it looked good before the big pine tree smashed it.
Got my cuts taken its a cross of R2 from Getaway mountain an Bubble gum from Mosca ran well indoor this winter done in 60 days should work good here outdoor.
Looks like the R2 cross popped up after 2" of snow a couple days ago, second time they have done that. They germinate at low temps, seem to love it. I should probably just let these live, why not?
I got 2-3 more of Getaway's strains still to run, so I'll pop something. Those are low maintenance, easy to care for plants.

Mostly just prepping the garden, added some soil inoculant, try to get some systemic endemic fungus going before planting.
The B. bassiana worked awesome last year on bugs, can colonize the whole plant, roots, leaves and soil.

Anyone try PreStop/ LalStop G46 before? Got that coming, looks promising, lol.
You can foliar spray it on also, for botrytis, fusarium and grey mold preventative, lives for weeks after application.

Also saw that Regalia Maxx (20% vs 5%) is out in Canada.
Basically, it's the same stuff (stronger) applied at twice the solution rate as regular Regalia, much better induced resistance at the higher labeled dosage.
DCcan, where can I source Regalia Maxx in Canada? I was planning on getting some stateside but with this Covid thing still going on, not sure when I’ll be able to get across.
I think it was just labeled, should be available soon, crazy pre order, pay now, pricing right now.
Couple nuts want $500/gal up front ( canadian dollars, us gallon) for something they probably don't have yet.
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@DCcan @Seawood not sure if you guys are interested but you can easily make your own product with the same active ingredient as Regalia with a common invasive weed ... Japanese Knotwood (or Giant Knotwood)

Japanese knotweed can be found along roadsides, wetlands, wet depressions, woodland edges, and streams or river banks. It's found mostly anywhere but prominently in the northeast and canada. You just chop it up good and mix it with an equal weight of brown sugar... five to seven days later strain the liquid out and you have a fermented plant juice extract with the same antifungal properties as Regalia.

Just be careful when chopping it up, and always bag up the solids and throw them away in the trash (don't throw it in the compost bin) ... the plant is incredibly invasive and can grow from tiny plant fragments, or underground through rhizomes.

I have a small patch of it growing on the corner of my property (in massachusetts) ... here's a picture of it from a few days ago. It grows incredibly fast and today it's already about a foot taller.

Last edited: would one go about figuring out the mix ratio/dosing/application method?

I know one thing...I’m not giving up $500 for a gallon of Regalia but would love to experience a PM-free grow for a change.
I have a big patch at the bottom of the hill, just no time to cut it, brew it, reduce it, bottle it.
It's $54/qt for Regalia vs hours of toil.
Same with seaweed juice. Neptune's Harvest makes the good stuff in Gloucester for $35/gal or I can haul it back home by the barrel and do it.
If I was off again all Spring like last year, I would. would one go about figuring out the mix ratio/dosing/application method?

I know one thing...I’m not giving up $500 for a gallon of Regalia but would love to experience a PM-free grow for a change.
I just looked at the labeling for both , and concentrations listed , then had to do the metric conversion.
Basically double ( if needed) was my recollection. There was an associated whitepaper that was used for Canadian approval.
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@DCcan @Seawood not sure if you guys are interested but you can easily make your own product with the same active ingredient as Regalia with a common invasive weed ... Japanese Knotwood (or Giant Knotwood)

Japanese knotweed can be found along roadsides, wetlands, wet depressions, woodland edges, and streams or river banks. It's found mostly anywhere but prominently in the northeast and canada. You just chop it up good and mix it with an equal weight of brown sugar... five to seven days later strain the liquid out and you have a fermented plant juice extract with the same antifungal properties as Regalia.

Just be careful when chopping it up, and always bag up the solids and throw them away in the trash (don't throw it in the compost bin) ... the plant is incredibly invasive and can grow from tiny plant fragments, or underground through rhizomes.

I have a small patch of it growing on the corner of my property (in massachusetts) ... here's a picture of it from a few days ago. It grows incredibly fast and today it's already about a foot taller.

View attachment 4883694
View attachment 4883695
That perfect for eating! It grows wild everywhere around here very interesting plant.
I have a big patch at the bottom of the hill, just no time to cut it, brew it, reduce it, bottle it.
It's $54/qt for Regalia vs hours of toil.
Same with seaweed juice. Neptune's Harvest makes the good stuff in Gloucester for $35/gal or I can haul it back home by the barrel and do it.
If I was off again all Spring like last year, I would.

I just looked at the labeling for both , and concentrations listed , then had to do the metric conversion.
Basically double ( if needed) was my recollection. There was an associated whitepaper that was used for Canadian approval.
I wonder if getaway is still making his seaweed juice that stuff was great.
Just getting thawed here, Got some Ethos Diamond xR2 Fems rocking for my first round of Depo harvest late june. I will be running R2 x bubblegum in the green house full term. I made that cross last summer it ran very well this winter,View attachment 4863389View attachment 4863390View attachment 4863391View attachment 4863393Been a nice easy winter here pup growing fast. Think iam going to need to hook chains to the stumps rip out with ATV. Happy growing!!!
At the risk of sounding like a hopeless noob, what is that thing under your bowl? Some kind of concentrate? Looks like a big ol' MJ cookie (although guessing if you ate the whole thing you'd be in a world of hurt!).
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