If I wanted to open up a vapour lounge business in the greater Toronto area, what sort of legal requirements would I need to meet? Are they illegal? Do police have the right to "raid" without proof of illegal activity?
I don't think they are technically legal but Vapour Central gets away with it...they treat it as a "members club" to apparently skirt some of the rules, and they have a blanket ban on tobacco to ensure that's not a problem.
Its pretty obvious that Mayor Ford and Torontos finest have turned a blind eye to these clubs. Theres at least 3-4 I know about. The cool one in Chinatown shut down but only because they sold the building.
I think Marco Renda who owns Vape on the Lake and Treating Yourself magazine is fairly accessible. Ive seen him at Vape before. He would be your best bet for info as he also had to battle local polititions to stay open