Opinions 3 week bagseed


Started these with happy frog soil transplanted into Walmart soil (not MG) prepared the ph and nutes before transplant. I bought (3) 4' 32 watt x2 fluorescent 6500k bulbs 2900 lumens each bulb for veg. plus (24) 23 watt 2700k clfs for flowering. I'm using six of the cfls for just a little more light to fill in the spaces between the 4' bulbs you can see them above. I have also been keeping up with fox farms trio feeding schedule. I had to use tap water at first now just letting the water sit before use, yellow is going away most likely from chlorine. Run off ph was a little high but not by much at all. Just looking for opinions.
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Well-Known Member
For 3 weeks I'd say your right on schedule. Looking good. Not sure how the Walmart soil will treat you, but I guess you'll find out. I use fox farm nutes and have had great results. Keep that up.