Opinions on my closet grow room


Active Member
Hey guys,

Looking for thoughts on ways to improve my grow room. This is the start of a second grow.

I have a closet which measures eight feet long, six feet high, and 33 inches deep. If possible, I want to stick with CFLs. If you look at the pictures, I have some sprouts in Grodan rock wool, which will be planted in some soil in the next few days. I'm primarily using goose neck lamps with a 42 CFL watt bulb in each, and will stick to an 18/6 on off cycle, as I did 24 hours last time, and had 5 1/2 foot high plants.

The third picture shows the closet walls lined with cheap aluminum foil from the dollar store. The adjustable clothing rack was used in my first grow, using those lights with the clamp and the reflector hoods. I had the clamps attached to the side poles, and would adjust the height from the lamp to the plant as the tree grew larger. Occassioanlly the clamps get loose, slides down, and burns the plant. Later on, the clamp lamps were hung from their cord. I did not like that set up too much, as those big reflectors got in the way.

The last pictures shows the reflector lamps, and extra shelves built in.

Will the goosenecks work? These are 17 inches high, and I'd rather have low bushy plants. Just for kicks, I also want to grow some vegetables in the closet.




Well-Known Member
well hello... I for one would like to start out by saying that you should think about better lighting...although since this is your 2nd grow...and you seem to be happy with the way the buds come out using cfls then i will move on to helping you out with them...

i see a few things that have room for improvement.

1. Reflection... Did you use tin foil in your first grow?... tin foil is known to burn your plant. get mylar... although painting your space with flat white paint would be the best way for you and would give you better reflection than the tin foil...trust me.. flat white paint if nothin else...

2. Lights... I HATE those little walmart hoods... you can only fit 1 bulb in there and like you said the clips un up sliding... uggg...

I would go ahead and wire up my own light bar... I have done this in my cabinet a number of different ways... using more lights.. less lights.. anyway... its easier than shit ... Using Y connectors that you can get anywhere you are able to use two bulbs...

here is a pic of what im talking about...

as you can see i liek to use this with my HPS 400 watter.. i use a cheap 12$ hps bulb that i can get in homedepot and put some of those cfl in order to get the blue light spectrum... 100$ bubl my ass...lol

3. Fans... at least have a fan blowing accross the tops of the plants... provides fresh air and makes them stronger..

Good luck with your grow bud... I would really think about getting a t5 setup if i were you ... hell i have one of those hps with t5 combos that work very well for small spaces... get one of these... better buds for you..



Well-Known Member
it all depends on you my man... i wouldnt buy those from petsmart... my first t5 where from there... not those models.. but from a pet store and they were only 14w bulbs... they didnt give me enough growth..

i dont know if you can find the t5 setup that i have with the 150 watt hps light in it... my model is the spectra max 246.. i got it froma friend for free...i have seen them online for 250 up to 370... kinda pricey if you ask me... but it works great...

so your stuck on non hps mh?...

you know if you wanted to get seriouse... you would split that closet in two... have two 4 fot wide sections... 1 of them for flower and the other for veggin and cloning...

int he flowering room you would put at least a 250 hps light setup..like one of those cooltubes.. 250 HPS Cool Breeze Grow Light System | BGH
but for th eprice i would get at least 400 watt.... my bill went up 20 bucks a month with all my gear..
your gonna spend about the same on t5's...

for vegging and cloning... i would get this one...

New Wave T5 System - 2', 4 Bulb | BGH

and the hps for flowering... if you do want to keep it t5 only ...then i would ge tthis for flowering...

Sun Blaze T5 System - 4', 4 bulb | BGH with 1 blue light and 3 orange....

but i would definately recommend HPS... I cant see how people are happy with those buds....would you pay even 30$ for an 1/8th of those? I like my bud to be tight and full of crystals... ya dig?


Active Member
Thanks for the responses guys.

For the SunBlaze T5 strip light, that doesn't come with a good means of raising and lowering the light, so the HLIFT5NW24 and HLIFT5SB44 models look best. Due to financing, I can probably only afford one or the other for both veg and flowering stages. Is one better than the other, and what combination of bulbs to use?


Well-Known Member
there both about the same ...but the sb44 is a 4 foot long... that would be better for coverage... i would get 4 spare orange for when you want to flower... my $.02