Hey Alpha, I work at Stink Sack and someone gave me a heads up on your post so I wanted to reach out to you. My obvious bias aside, the feedback we've gotten from customers on the effectiveness of our bags has been amazing - you can check out a whole bunch of reviews from various sources (YouTube, Instagram, etc.) on our site (
https://stinksack.com/testimonials/). My advice if you're looking for maximum smell protection: after filling the bag, use an alcohol based solution (alcohol wipes or hand sanitizer works great) to clean your hands and the inside top of the bag (above the zipper) before heat sealing it. Once it's sealed, thoroughly wipe down the entire outside with alcohol. If you don't have a heat sealing machine, a hair iron works great at 280 degrees for a half a second.
All that being said, we really pride ourselves on working with our fans/customers to bring the best possible cannabis bags to market so please email me your feedback at
welisten@stinksack.com and I'll try to get you involved in testing