Oracle Dispensary


Active Member
Community is a word that should not be used to describe the green rush!! I know a lot are all ready in Mammoth and if you want to keep your grow rights here is the way Oracle may be able to deny the opening of the dispensary site.... TRAFFIC CONCERNS from the community. Call Ashlee Mcdonald and voice your opinion. Ashlee MacDonald, Planner II 520-866-6642


Active Member
Now as I have mentioned before I lived in the the valley and DR Glen Wilt is anything but part of a community. In fact I have never seen an entire county despise a man so much!! Then to have the audacity to imply he will help the community is not only funny it is hilarious. In the town of Hayden, where Wilt owns most of the commercial buildings downtown, the mayor says his unoccupied and neglected structures stand in the way of community’s hopes of revitalizing the area. “He’s got resources, and so his attitude has always been, ‘Take me to court. I’m smarter than you and I have more money than you,’” he said. Many residents of the towns in which Wilt owns property complain that he buys up old, historic buildings and then lets them deteriorate into eyesores. "He's just killing this town, just killing it," said Holmquist, a movie construction coordinator and part-time Superior resident who refurbished and rents out several of the town's downtown buildings.


Active Member
BACK TO THAT WORD COMMUNITY I get a giggle out of meetings that let the community make fliers and rally all the while the lawyers are rigging the game. Handing all those supporters pyrite and telling them its gold especially when they are not smart enough to know the difference. I get a giggle out of the ads stating “we have capital to invest”. Beware of whom you let in your community!! Now this article speaks well of THE MJ COMMUNITY. NOT!!!

If your thinking of going into this business of corporations you need to realize it is entity that has a life of its own. If you get involved with the wrong sort you can lose everything very easily. There is a saying partners are like a marriage. So beware whom you sleep with!

According to the complaint, the day after the state gave the green light for the company to open the Prescott dispensary last August, Vita and his team voted them off the board of directors of their own company and filed new corporate papers with the state reflecting their removal from the board.