Orange Spots - Need Help


Newbie here, searched all the threads but could not get a definite answer. Maybe pics will help. Can someone tell me whats going on here & how to correct. 10 weeks old, outdoor, feeding twice a week with advanced floriculture's euro grow type A & B 4 ml/gal. of each part. DSCN6905.jpgDSCN6899.jpgDSCN6900.jpgDSCN6901.jpgDSCN6902.jpgDSCN6903.jpgDSCN6904.jpg


Well-Known Member
Switch nutrients.


The website has no product information aside from 'contact us directly'. No information on what's in the product, no MSDS sheet, nothing.

It looks to be a combination of micro-nutrient absence or lock out.

Give it a dose of half strength all purpose fertilizer that has micro-nutrients for the next water period.

Keep an eye on your temps, the plants seem otherwise healthy. Check your pH and keep it in range. otherwise your golden.


Well-Known Member
@fro77, you may have a pH lockout issue. I know very little about hydro set ups but if you were to start your own thread under the hospital area I'm sure someone will be knowledgeable on the problem.


Active Member
Looks like a water source problem to me...
What kind of water are you using? Also, did you add dolomite lime to your soil?


germinated seeds, then into FFOF for about 8 weeks, then into 3 gallon grow bags with promix bx, all outdoors, only 5-6 hours of full sun, should I do a flush? 12 plants, not all same strain, not all plants have this condition, maybe 4-5


no, I am using my well water, it might be hard water. I checked ph of water with the nutes in it, and the runoff water, ph in both cases was about 6.2