Orbital Light


New Member
Has anyone set a light up on an axis, to be able to rotate it around a plant 180 degrees to simulate the movement of the sun. I am thinking of a design that would be economical. It requires a logic controller. I need to know if the movement of the light would increase the plasma of the bud. Is there a word for the essence of the sum parts of the cannabis plant. I am using the word "plasma" to describe this amalgamation of these parts i.e. Taste, buzz, Appearance and smell.

A stoned mind is a terrible thing to waste.




i was thinking about making something similar to this but taking the idea of having they spin 360 above the plant just so the light is moving like what the sun does. now your idea does sound like a good idea IF you have the room and have a way make sure the the light stays the correct distances away from the light. now im also thinking that you will be wasting some light when its on the sides of the plants. since the sun would be up so much further away the top of the plant gets correct about of sun light no matter where the sun is at. with you design it looks like that the top side of the flowers would not be getting enough light or would not be able to use the light correctly and it would be wasted witch would just be a waste of money. let me know how it goes if you do decide to make it a reality. also you could always make a little set up using cfl's in like a little tent and using like an auto in a solo cup or just flower and very short clone and just do two side by side. one with the same cfl the same distance away the does not move and then have one right next to it the is using your design. that way you and see if there is a difference with out wasting a ton of cash, time, and energy. let me know what you think